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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Mayor Hires Company With Their Own Jet To Fix Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant

A plane owned by PC Construction Co. flew into Salisbury last night from Vermont and was here until early afternoon.

PC Constuction was involved in the Salisbury WWTP:

It looks like they are now involved in the repair:
(scroll near bottom, subcontracting bidding closes next month)


  1. That's gonna be one expensive fix.

  2. I don't understand what the problem is with the waste water treatment plant,there must be thousand of plants around the country that work just fine. why not just duplicate a plant thats a proven design.Question are the guys with the jet the ones that screwed it orginally?

  3. 10:43, But don't you remember Barrie Tilghman saying the work on the WWTP is like driving down the road at 45 miles per hour trying to change the tire at the same time?????

    One of the DUMBEST things I ever heard the woman say.

  4. Buckle up people of the city, prepare yourselves, the water bill will be going up again.

  5. Ocean Pines did a major upgrade to their treatment plant about 15 years ago without degrading the throughput. Some people *can* change the tire while going 45 mph and some people are just incompetent.

  6. Tilghman was only parroting what her public works directors told her, which is pretty much the truth.
    The entire exotic, non-working system has to be taken out and replaced, with a proven working system, piece by piece, while the plant has to keep processing the tons of liquid and solid waste that the city's businesses and residents flush and drain daily.

    Tilghman and her Dream Team crew (Dunn, Comegys, Cathcart & Shieds), along with one of Salisbury's worst public works directors, John Jacobs, really screwed the pooch when they chose this design, which only sometimes works, but only in much warmer climates. One piece of the equipment has even been the subject of lawsuits elsewhere after fires and explosions during operation (the Dragon Dryer)caused damage and injuries. It has since been pulled from production by its parent company, Siemens.
    Now we're stuck with an additional $65 million in replacement costs, minus the $10 million from the lawsuits, making the WWTP cost over $140,000,000, or nearly $5,000 for each man, woman and child in Salisbury.

  7. It's time for Wicomico County to get into the water and sewar business and it is long overdue. Wicomico Couny is an embarrassment for depending on the municipalities.

  8. Now people can you perceive it, can you understand why it is so important to get these crooks and their cronies out of office?

    Don't let their doing community service and good deeds detract you from seeing what these people are actually doing. By making a big showing (getting city grants, getting business donations, charity work), they are worming their way back into government office. It is not for the betterment of the city, it is for the betterment of their wallets.

    Just think about it. It took Dunn, Comegys, Cathcart, Tilghman, and Ireton and his council mouth pieces Day, Mitchell, and Shields to screw this up. Do you really want them to monetarily benefit from office, or would you rather have the money in your pocket?

    Vote Ireton and his band of idiots out of office. And don't keep repeating terrible, uniformed mistakes.

  9. 12:08, exactly! That is what Dunn is doing, a bunch of good works to cover the dirty crap he did to this city.

  10. I'm so glad to be moving out of Salisbury. I love the people here, but the incompetent administration costs property owners a fortune.

  11. Why don't they keep it local and use George, Miles & Buhr, which has the experience and competence?

  12. I sent them an email asking to see the drawings...

  13. 3:16 it would be much harder to hide the money if a local was used. Business friendly? A leader that actually knows what he is doing? Others profited, the taxpayer has to be the ones getting screwed!


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