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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Maryland Phosphorus Management Tool Legislation - URGENT Action Sought

Dear DPI Member:

Legislation has been introduced in the Maryland Senate and Maryland House of Delegates to create by state law a Phosphorus Management Tool program.  The legislation nearly is identical to the Phosphorus Management Tool regulation written for Governor Martin O’Malley that was withdrawn by Governor Larry Hogan on his first day in office.  The Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. Board of Directors has voted to oppose the two bills.

The Senate and House of Delegates’ committees will hold public hearings on the bills in Annapolis.  We urge you to contact committee members with your views. Also, we are trying to learn if there if enough interest in having a bus to carry DPI members to the hearings to testify or simply have a presence. We expect persons in the environmental industry to be there to show support for the bills.

Senate Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee    Senate Bill 257
Tuesday, February 24             1:00 p.m. (The committee hearing will consider 13 bills that day and we will not know until the hearing begins when the PMT bill will be heard.  Could be at 1:00 or could be at 4:00 or later or sometime in between.  No way of knowing until that afternoon).  Oral comments could be limited to 3 minutes per person.

House Environment and Transportation Committee                   House Bill 381http://mgaleg.maryland.gov/webmga/frmMain.aspx?id=hb0381&stab=01&pid=billpage&tab=subject3&ys=2015RS
Wednesday, February 25  1:00 p.m. (The committee hearing will consider 8 bills that day and we will not know until the hearing begins when the PMT bill will be heard.  Could be at 1:00 or could be at 4:00 or later or sometime in between.  No way of knowing until that afternoon)   Oral comments will be limited to 2 minutes per person.

We will need to get to Annapolis by 12:00 to get everybody through security and to get seats in the hearing room, although seating is not guaranteed.  It is possible not everybody who makes the trip will even get to sit in the hearing room to listen, but if you are enrolled to speak, you will be allowed in the room to speak even if you were not admitted earlier.  DPI can register speakers prior to the hearing, but we need to have those names before the bus leaves the pickup spots.

We will need to leave Salisbury about 9:30 a.m., make a pickup in the Cambridge/Easton area, possibility stop for lunch, and then reach Annapolis about noon.  We’ll leave immediately after the hearing and unless it is late in the afternoon, not stop for a meal.

So, if you are interested in making the trip on a DPI bus for one or both hearings, please let Lori Morrow in the DPI office know by Wednesday, February 18.  Call her at 302-856-9037 or e-mail morrow@dpichicken.com.  Whether you send an e-mail, telephone her and leave a message, or speak with her, be sure to give her your name, telephone number and/or e-mail address, which day you wish to ride the bus, how many persons there will be, and where you likely will get on board.  

We’ll let you know what decisions are made on the bus trip by Thursday, February 19.

If you do not wish to attend the hearings, you can let your views be known by contacting members of the two committees prior to the hearings.


  1. It will be interesting to see if Mike Miller lets Mathias vote against this bill which is backed by the Democrat leadership in the General Assembly.

  2. Those slimy dirtbag Democrats are at it again.

    You can bet Mathias will vote against it if the Dems know they have enough votes.

  3. I see Senator Joan Carter Conway, District 43, Baltimore City is a sponsor of this Bill. She is the same Senator that Wicomico County Council candidate Josh Hastings worked for. The same one he failed to mention her name during the campaign, the same one the contributed $500 to his campaign. We know where Josh Hastings stands on this Bill. We know how Josh Hastings feels about the farmers. We know that he lied about supporting the farmers. Thank God Josh Hastings lost that election. He is now President of the Wicomico County Democrat Club so you can expect him to make another attempt at running for office again.

  4. 1:17 PM we are very fortunate that the local Democrats put in creeps like Hastings, Mitchell and Pagano. We are very fortunate that all of them got their clocks cleaned.

  5. I looked at everyone of the sponsors of this Bill and they are all Democrats. They are all from the Western Shore. They obviously don't care about farming. I also noticed that most of them were from Montgomery County. How many damn Delgates and Senators does Montgomery County get? WTF is wrong with this state?

  6. It's obvious the Democrats have started a war against our Governor. They are to stupid to understand that the majority of the voters voted for change in this state and they are going against the wishes of their constituents.

  7. Now after reading these 2 bills it's obvious the Democrats are on Attack mode with the Governor. Miller and Busch are indoctrinating the young and newly elected Delegates and Senators.


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