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Saturday, February 14, 2015

‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ EROTIC School Assignment given to 13-yr-old middle school students, parents fuming!

Bondage, erotic, intercourse, spanking, handcuffs, masturbation, butt plugs, fellatio, orgasm, semen, spreader bar, are just SOME of the words 13-yr-old were learning in a public school in Pennsylvania this week. Parents are angry and a board member said the crossword puzzles were handed out to the students ‘by mistake’.


  1. Fire the teacher,the principal and any school board member who voted for this BS.This kind of smut has no business in any public school at any grade level.


  2. Teacher and principal should get 50 shades of fired!

    And if it was a purchased item the publisher ought to be stricken from the authorized list for future purchases.

  3. Accidentally passed out to students??


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