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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Local Media Finally Gets On Board, But There's A Catch

On Tuesday we did this article: 
Why Won't The Local Media Cover Salisbury Hanging? We published our original story on this Saturday Feb. 14th HERE. FOUR days ago.

I think the image truly speaks for itself. There's been so much said between the black and white community on social media about this matter. We've received comments that mentioned the numerous suicides of white people here on the Shore in the MSM, especially Salisbury. Yet nothing is ever mentioned about blacks doing the same. 

How many articles do we see in this Nation where an unbelievable amount of Soldiers have committed suicide! It seems OK for the MSM to publish that. It seems OK for the local media to publish, (at their convenience) white people committing suicide but it doesn't take a whole lot to see that in our local media only WHITE LIVES MATTER. 

Shame on Joe Albero for publishing this WHEN IT HAPPENED! Now it's FOUR days later and now it's news because we called them out?

The Main Stream Media has an entire Staff to cover such incidents and trust me, I have been at many places where someone has confined themselves, (white people) in a home and so forth and in the end they take their own life. That gets covered, so why not this?

The catch, the Salisbury Police put out a Press Release four days later and now it's OK? Are people trying to tell me the Daily Times and WBOC didn't know what was going on? You and I both know they follow Salisbury News like there's no tomorrow, how else would they survive. 

For me personally, reading that Press Release where they say they'd normally keep situations like this quiet, because someone put it out on "social media" they felt it necessary to finally say something, BS! They, (including SPD) put it out there because they were called out for being racist.

The Daily Times sues Ocean City to get access to a minors name who drowned. They publish a video and an article with underage kids fighting at school and try to make it out to be a race war, yet Joe Albero is a bad guy for exposing it? 

Considering the record traffic we have experienced, I'd say the few complaining are way in the minority here. We have a racial problem here on the Shore and guess what, it starts with your Main Stream Media, (MSM). The fact that they refuse to cover such articles until it's hand delivered to them is disgusting. ALL LIVES MATTER! 

As a Country we need to recognize that we have MENTAL issues that are being ignored both as citizens and soldiers. So when something goes wrong, THROW THEM IN JAIL and do not address the mental conditions. As a Country we are failing our own people. Our government and especially MEDIA would rather cover it up and hide it rather than addressing it, unless you are white, that is. 

I think the reason so many people jump to conclusions is because no one is willing to address that this is a problem in America. Use your head and THINK for once. Imagine the kind of dark place someone has to be in to do such a thing! How can a trained Police Officer address someone with such a history and walk away, (like they did in this case). 

Stop throwing these people in Jail and start opening Hospitals that can properly care for them. With the proper therapy and support they can move on with productive lives. 

As for the Media, GO BACK TO WORK and stop taking news from the Blogs, (4 days later). In ALL of their reports they pretty much copied the Press Release and provided no investigative work. They do NOT want to engage discussion on the problem of suicide. GUESS WHAT, it happens often HERE. Educate the public about signs of depression. In other words, do your damn job or get the hell out of the business. NEWS is NOT all about hand fed information and this article is a prime example of what the public wants/needs to see. Comments here prove the public is interested AND that there is a problem.

It's OK for the MSM to put up BEHEADINGS and BURNING people to death, so I ask, WHY is Salisbury News held to a different standard? What about the FAMILIES of the people being beheaded and burned to death. But Joe Albero is such a bad guy to report this suicide?

In closing, look at the articles in our TOP 5 of the Week. 4 out of the 5 have to do with this incident. Now YOU know why the local Media were forced to finally pick up on it! They should be kissing Barbara Duncan's you know what for that press release. 


  1. Joe NO-You are NOT the bad guy.
    You were merely bringing to light something that was posted on social media and questioning the validity of the claim. People on this blog offered up (yourself included I believe) their opinions. No one (from what I remember) tried to pretend that what they were saying was fact-only what they thought.
    The bottom line is-You deserve credit for bringing this to light and posting the social media fabrications which effectively quashed the nonsense. No one else had the nerve to. They didn't want to touch it with a 10 ft pole. And that is sad and is what is despicable. You go after the race baiters. You don't allow their platform to go on. You call them out. If the DT's, WBOC, etc had an ounce of respectability and decency they would have called her out as well. But no. They are vultures. They wanted to see the baiting fester and ooze because then they, in their warped minds, would have had a real story like the vultures covering Ferguson.

  2. You are not the bad guy. Racial tensions are a reality. ALL LIVES DO MATTER.

  3. IMO local MSM was waiting for a police report presenting the facts. I believe this to be a wise decision. A blog can post gossip and rumors, without evidence to back up what is posted without concern of a law suit.. MSM does not enjoy that privilege.

    Joe, you say "You and I both know they follow Salisbury News like there's no tomorrow," We can suspect that statement to be true but we cannot prove it true.. Even if we could prove local MSM reads SBYNews it would not matter as, there was no story to be gleaned from false comments, accusations and speculations, on a blog. The only available source for facts and information was the Police, who would not comment until their investigation was completed..

    By the way the beheadings and burnings are across the ocean. The suicide was local, You could not gives us the details, just gossip and a picture of the poor soul hanging by his neck, and rumors of lynchings and police cover ups.. I don't think you are a "bad guy" for reporting a suicide" IMO reporting there had been a suicide was okay. IMO you had no facts and used poor judgement in posting many of the comments and linking to the picture. IMO in this type of situation, it is best to wait for a police report. I have a lot of sympathy for what a grieving family has been put through this week.

    Lets drop the story, and stop the blame. It happened, that cannot be changed, Let us pray if a situation of this kind happens again lessons will be remembered, to keep another family from being treated with no respect. L

  4. The DT has completely lost credibility. WBOC does no true investigative reporting. You tell the hard truth - the good, the bad and the ugly truth. Sometimes it is difficult to read or to accept that society is the way it is. However, sticking our head in the sand won't make it go away. Sunlight is what will bring change.

  5. Those who seek to play the race card are the problem. The Fontaine woman did so by exploiting the situation and the media did so by ignoring the situation. Joe, people who are blunt and don't sugar coat things always get heat from the weak, scared small-minded crowd. I think it is very clear that you aren't the problem. It is the lack of true, thoughtful MSM reporting that is the problem.

  6. Joe, you said it all - ALL LIVES MATTER.

  7. 1:54, With all due respect, are you with one of the local media outlets?

    Waiting for a Police Report on a suicide????? Are you serious! A guy id hanging 15 FEET up in a tree and you need the Police to tell you what's up???

    Entertain me with what was brought forth in the Police Report that wasn't published on Salisbury News?

    I'm sorry but that is ridiculous as an OUT.

    You said: Joe, you say "You and I both know they follow Salisbury News like there's no tomorrow," We can suspect that statement to be true but we cannot prove it true..

    Oh, I can prove it. There are MANY former employees who have come to me telling me that is what they were instructed to do.

    As far as comments, ARE YOU SERIOUS? Are you suggesting I censor all comments that disagree with YOUR views?

    "Lets drop the story, and stop the blame". LETS??? So you are from the local media.

    As for the overseas beheading, some of these people were from America. I'll add, no matter where they are from, they too have Families. I have watched WBOC cover every single one of these beheadings, so again, why a different standard for Salisbury News?

    1. No I'm not local MSM. I am just a SBYNews reader who has opinions. In no way am I suggesting you change your blog. Most of the time, being an ultra conservative, our opinions are about the same.

      When watching or reading MSM, I do not see or hear the type of comments as were on SBYNews' Suicide stories. It was sickening to read some of the "information" provided by SBYNews commenters. The picture of the poor guy hanging by his neck about did me in, so Lord only knows what it did to the family.

      FOX News, which is my main source of National news does not show pictures of beheading or burning, out of respect for the family or its viewers. If I ran a blog I would like to think I would be a FOX blog - not an MSNBC. . .

  8. Hey Joe look what I found on Fatboy's blog. Didn't you post the same story the other day? I think he is stealing your ideas.


    How Are Your Electric Bills Running?

    Posted by Jonathan Taylor at 2/18/2015 09:26:00 AM 5 comments:

  9. 1:54 you have bumped your head.fact is a person was found hanged in salisbury in a very public way. It should have made front page news or been the top story of the night on our local news outlets. At least to let the public know this was not a murder. But it wasn't, and don't you think it's kind of strange ? Let's see when was the last time a person of color committed suicide and the local msn picked up the story and ran with it? Myself I can't remember ever reading or hearing from our local msm about a person of color committing suicide around here myself till now. Now white people committing suicide around here makes front line news all the time . And no the news outlets don't wait 4 days for the police to release there findings. They never have before why wait till now ? When The owner of rt.12 pizza passed it was plastered all over the news that night. none and I repeat none of the local media held that info it was released asap. Now I ask you why? Maybe because he was a white man ? And just maybe the info on the new hanging was held back because this person was black and thought not to be news worthy?

    By the way I'm a white republican in my mid forties. Liberal media at its best. Wonder when they will somehow tie into the story that it was a republicans fault this person passed?

  10. 2:36, Might I add, Tony's Wife is a prominent Attorney in Salisbury. WHY wasn't the local Media called out for NOT respecting the pain his Wife was experiencing, yet I'm a BAD GUY for NOT naming the person, NOT showing their face, NOT showing their skin color??? HMMMMMM! I think some of the commenters were in fact the Media because they didn't cover the story and tried to SHAME me for doing so. Looks like that backfired on them.

  11. I wouldn't call her a "prominent" attorney, but she is an attorney.

  12. The SPD was forced to put out a press release. The rumors of this incident didn't start here. They started all over facebook. It wasn't just one person that claimed it has a lynching it was many. What Joe did by bringing this to the attention of everyone was force SPD to make a press release of their findings. Some are still saying the police lie but they are the ones that are always going to say the police are corrupt. If Joe would not have posted the follow up this situation could have festered and really become a problem.

  13. The real fact is your nay-sayers have tried to eliminate you for years. Guess what?! They failed. In fact from what I can see SBYNEWS is stronger and better than ever. For a long time reading this blog was a secret guilty pleasure for many, but now almost everyone you talk to has read the blog or mentions something seen on the blog. You've come a long way baby! Success breeds jealousy, so don't let the "haters" get to you. Their only weapon is to continue to discredit you, which gets weaker and weaker every day. You have not only survived, you've thrived.

  14. 1:54 What planet do you live on. Since when has MSM waited for the facts or a police investigation to be complete before they printed a story. Maybe you've already forgotten the story of Ferguson this summer. How about the so called Duke lacrosse team rape case from a few years ago. IMO you need to rethink your statement.

    1. u got an opinion, I got an opinion - sounds fair to me

  15. Inquiring minds want to know - why do so many people in Salisbury/Wicomico County have trouble with the truth? Feed them lies and they follow like sheep. Tell the truth and they want to attack the truth-teller. This is a sick society.

  16. NEW THREAD...RELEVANT TOPIC...... The man that is currently on trial for murdering the American Sniper plus one was release from VA medical just days before he killed those 2 men. According to his parents they BEGGED the VA not to release him because of his mental state. Is the VA liable for the killing of these 2 men when they KNEW they had release a ticking time bomb??? Would a wrongful death suit establish that this man was a victim of poor medical health care and therefore leaving the doctors guilty of not doing their job? When is the VA require to contain citizens that are openly known to be medically unstable?

  17. 2:52 agree. there is a twisted way of looking at things that seems to thrive in this county. so much is off based thinking it is getting scary.

  18. I hold the SPD totally responsible for all this hooplah. They read every word here every minute of each day and sat on their hands.

    They knew that they needed to inform the public and didn't.

    The purpose of that? I have no clue, but it just shows the lack of professionalism by Barbara Duncan.

    It's like they want demonstrations and people in the streets angry.

  19. 3:03 Mental illness is at the root of a lot of society's problems. In the America Sniper case, we (America) owed the shooter and all veterans better treatment. Let's start with them first.

  20. What is her blog. I think we should visit it often.

  21. Easy squeasy, Joe...
    They hate you, 'cause the ain't you.

  22. The bottom line is you're conservative and they are liberal. The MSM is controlled by cheats/thugs. If anyone working for them is a person of integrity and stays, then they are as guilty as their bosses.

  23. This mess is CLEARLY not the fault of the police. Blame the person who committed suicide. The police didn't kill him or fail to get him help.

  24. Joe,seems like local media outlets trying to start tit for tat schitt to make you look bad but us loyal viewers know better.

  25. My friend hanged herself outside her house in a tree years ago and it never made the news. I think if the person is a well known member of the community like a business person, it makes the news otherwise it doesn't. It has nothing to do with race because you better believe if say Mary Ashanti or Shanie Shields or another well known African American within the community committed suicide it would be in the news. It's the nature of things. Those unknown in life, when they die no matter the circumstances unless a murder and that's quickly forgotten too, die unknown deaths.

  26. I still don't understand how this guy got 15 ft up in the air,did he climb up the tree,put the rope around his neck and jump or what? There will continue to be rumors and speculation if the cops don't address that question and explain it to the public.I am actually surprised Al Sharpton hasn't made an issue of this matter.

  27. anonymous 4:45, WHAT???? You mean the PRESS RELEASE that the Main Stream Media was WAITING for didn't give out ANY details????? But, but, but, wasn't that their excuse on the delay!!!

  28. 352, if your comment is aimed at 309, I believe they were commenting on the delay on SPD's part in informing the public after it happened.

    Nothing there about anything else...

  29. My opinion is that nothing ever gets fixed anymore.Nothing ever ends,and when it appears to end it flares back up again.

  30. I'm really disappointed that everyone seems to feel that someone committing suicide is their business now. Where was your concern for this person when they needed your help, when they were alive? None of use have the right to exploit what happened to this person. If it were your child or sibling or family member would you want to have people talking about it who really have no clue. Before you open your mouth and start implying things about race, relationships, who gets credit for what, consider the others involved. The Parents, siblings, friends and loved ones. This is part of the memory the living will be carrying with them.


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