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Friday, February 13, 2015

Chinese Immigrant: Common Core Reminds Me Of Communist China

"I'm here to tell you, Common Core really scares me."

Chinese-American Lily Tang Williams says she is scared of America’s Common Core education system because it reminds her of the Communist education she received as a young girl growing up under Mao Tse-tung’s regime in China.

In a video posted to YouTube, Williams points out the many similarities between her education and the one her 15-year-old daughter is currently receiving in a Colorado public school. Similarities like the national standards and guidelines Chinese teachers were expected to implement, lest they lose their jobs. Or the Chinese parents who have no choice, or rights, in what their children learn, and no privacy whatsoever. Williams described even having to hand over her private diaries for teacher review.

“In our diary,” Willaims says, “we’re supposed to do self-criticism and we’re supposed to report on others who have politically incorrect speeches…including friends, sometimes your family. It is a very sick system.”



  1. Well, if your curriculum is developed by left wing Communists in the education system, it might remind you of Communist China!
    Hail comrade Obama!

  2. Got to dumb down our youth so the elitists can take over.


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