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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Can You Find Something Strange in This Famous Photo?

We are inside the 'Situation Room' in the White House.  This is one of the defining images in the hunt for Osama bin Laden, while the President and his staff looked on.

A fan sent us this alternative image without telling us something was wrong with it, but we spotted it (actually, now we see a few things wrong with the picture).

Can you find the something different before the inevitable spoiler comments.  

We're not trying to be political, but we were slightly amused.
How many things did you find wrong with this picture?


  1. couple pics of chewbacca, and Hillary is holding a nutty buddy

  2. I was going to say Brian Williams is missing...but he's probably who they're all watching as he goes in to kill Bin Laden.

  3. Obama is holding a video game joystick

  4. Hillary holding something like a bundle of smokes, one is drawn in her other hand like she's smoking, the pic on the wall and the crumpled one on Hillary's keyboard are odd, but too small to make out.

  5. There is no bench in the situation room that I am aware of like the one O&B are sitting on.

  6. Aside from the amusing finds like the video gaming the thing that is the most wrong with this picture is that our Commander in Chief is not seated at the table.

  7. Biden has his mouth shut!

  8. Yeah a muslim lover is in the WH.

  9. Obama Crooked Socialist BastardoFebruary 25, 2015 at 8:41 AM

    Leon Panettia orchestrated the whole operation and didn't let 9bama know until the choppers were flying near compoundm That's when Barray was asked the question Proceed or Not? Barry wouldn't give an answer, instead wanted to "consult" with his master puppeteer - Iranian Muslim woman Chief of Staff Valerie Jarrett. When asked again to give Ok or Abort, he told Panetta to wait. Very much part of the stalling tactics Panetta replied there was no time, we have to make decision now. Barry said Wait for the 2nd time and went into private room with Jarrett again. Then came out shortly after and Panetta ask him again, which at point choppers were hovering over the compound. With a lot hesitance Obama reluctantly said Ok. Keep in mind this was happening the very same week when Obama Administration revealed for the first time their version of "Certificate of Live Birth" from Hawaii, which was highly criticized and rightfullly questioned by Donald Trump. Needless to say, after the Bin Laden Raid, all those questions were swept under the rug. Wasn't that coincidence?

  10. That birth certificate business has never been swept under the carpet in my mind - he illegal as illegal can get and nobody but nobody does anything about it.

  11. Obama has been photoshopped into the picture


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