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Sunday, January 18, 2015

What The Heck Does This Mean?

We found this bumper sticker on the back of a car this weekend. Even my Grandson said, what the heck does that mean? So I called a couple chicken farmers that I know and sent them the picture. When they responded they told me they had no clue what it meant. DO YOU?


  1. Your Right to Grow Your Own Food. Many people are forbidden to raise chickens in their town community due to existing laws bylaws etc..

  2. Big green movement to legalize city chickens.

  3. Yes, it has to do with zoning laws prohibiting livestock or poultry within jurisdictional limits.

  4. Legalize Chickens bumper stickers spread the word to let public officials and others know that there is local voter-support for family flocks.

    The more people see items with pro-chicken messages, the more likely they will be toward those who want to keep family flocks. Help change the local laws to allowing, and even encouraging family flock with Legtalize Chickens bumper stickers. Persistence pays. Often chicken legal communities proceed election by election as local foods and lowering carbon footprints become increasingly important for transition communities.

  5. Just what the world needs, chickens next door crowing at 5 in the morning.

  6. Chickens crowing next door at 5 in the morning is a beautiful sound! You should already be up and moving by then any way!If it's not chickens crowing it's car doors slamming so whats the difference?

  7. 9:04 Chickens don't crow, Roosters crow! Have a few chickens and have the freshest and best eggs you've ever eaten!! When they get too old, have some chicken and dumplings.

  8. 9:25 So maybe I should get a cow or pig for my back yard so I can have the freshest steak and ham (yes I know both need to be aged or cured)to go with those fresh eggs. If you want to have chickens go buy a few acres out in the country and have at it. Keep your stupid clucking chickens and crowing roosters out of my town. Also when chickens get old they get tough and will make lousy chicken and dumplings. It takes a tough man to make a tender chicken. Didn't you pay attention to Frank's commercials growing up.

    To the other 9:25 Any noise at 5 in the morning sucks and just why should I be up and moving around by then. The sun doesn't even bother to be up yet.

  9. Just get a pig. At least you won't have to worry about Obama showing up at your house.

  10. @ 10:27 that's right muslims don't eat pork

  11. If you get chickens, get snake repellent.

  12. 99.9% of the time googling will get you the answer, which saves reading comments written by smarta$$es. If I'm curious of a term, all I want is an intelligent answer.

  13. Maybe its the new Ravens slogan! Kinda like the Chick Fil A ad with the cow saying "eat mor chiken"

  14. 10:24 You have no idea what you're talking about. And I would put pigs and cows in my yard, in the city. It's OK for you to have an obnoxious pit bull, but I can't have a pig?

  15. 7:28 Why do you make an assumption that I have a pit bull or any pet? Although I like animals I think unless you have an acre or more you shouldn't even have a pet unless it's a small one. It pisses me off when I see big dogs tied up in the back yard of someones 1/4 acre lot. You want an animal go live in the country. Cities are no place for an animal.

  16. 8:21 I do live in the country. But, why limit someone from owning their own livestock? If a chicken, or pig, can not be owned on a certain property, why should a dog? or cat? or bird? etc.

  17. 9:18 I agree with you that if you can own a dog or cat why not a chicken or pig. Provided the same number and noise restrictions that apply to dogs etc apply to them. I personally think it is wrong to have a noisy pet in a confined area. I also believe that people should be considerate of their neighbors and pets. I hate seeing a dog in a small back yard all day and night. To me that is cruel. I would like to see people who do things like that spend a full day in their back yard.

  18. It is a move to legalize sex with chickens!

  19. Actually, when chickens get old they do get tough, and become perfect for chicken and dumplings. Even better for chicken soup.


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