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Sunday, January 04, 2015

What Does It Mean to Be Anti-Police?

Apparently, to criticize the police is to be anti-police. But if I call and point out that the swings in the playground are broken, am I anti-parks?

In the wake of the horrific killing of two NYPD officers, police union officials and their political allies have worked to isolate and vilify police accountability and racial justice activists. By claiming that the shooter was motivated by the protests they argue both that the protests should be suppressed and that there is no space for public criticism of the police. Both of these are profoundly troubling claims.

So far the policing of the protests in New York and many parts of the country have been tolerant and flexible and have helped to maintain the overall nonviolent character of the protests. The notable exceptions being Ferguson and Berkeley, where in both cases dissent was pre-emptively suppressed in a way that directly contributed to the outbreak of violence and property destruction.

New York City police union president Patrick Lynch said that it was the protests that led to the killing of the officers and that they shouldn’t be allowed to continue. This is revealing of a mindset of many police that there is something fundamentally inappropriate about protests and that the default position should be to discourage and if possible prevent them. It also speaks to a basic intolerance of police for disorder. Demonstrations by their nature are disorderly and disruptive and police find that at best off-putting and at worst dangerous.



  1. and to add to the article, the police absolutely refuse to accept any responsibility for the need of protests. It is their misdeeds and corruption that is mainly being protested, yet they refuse to see it.

  2. while you may protest al you want, there isn't truly a "need" for it. merely a want.


  3. Your civic-mindedness and insight are inspiring, 12:04. Law-enforcement jobs are open. Go for it.

  4. why would 12:04 want to demean himself and take a job where he is not allowed to use his better judgement or show compassion? All your masters want is for you to follow orders, even if it means fabricating evidence and stealing from and trouncing on others rights?

  5. Agreed Anon 7:33 AM very much agreed...

    Everyone never looks as how cops approach you illegally and by their actions we make ours... But instead they can illegally harass you and when you get tired and walk away, they beat you to the ground...

    Cops think as protesters, they hate cops that is why they protest... They think you are anti-cop and anti-laws and anti-any other damn thing...

    They are basically saying we are anti-government because people are protesting the actions of cops and their illegal corrupt ways...

    I agree how funny it is no one can figure this out... not a single damn soul can figure that out...

    So now, they are basically calling us home grown terrorist because of the protest of cops brutality...

    All we want is the right to go home safe and alive just like the cops want... But the difference is, we pay their salaries and now we have to worry about life or death when you have an encounter with police... Why do cops get the right to go home safe and we don't????????? They know damn well what their job entails and they still keep or take the job... I have no remorse for any cop who gets shot or killed because of their illegal actions... this goes for cops who are complicit and allow the corrupt cops to keep on doing what they do and not stand up with us to stop it...

    To add, what the hell did you all think would happen, when corrupt cops can get away with out right murder on video???? What did you think would happen, when you handcuff people and beat them or shoot them because you are a pussy and are scared for you life???? What did you think would happen, when no cop has been indited for anything at all???? What do you expect when you have a court system who won't even listen to you but will believe a corrupt cop over you??? And the what the fuck did you think would happen when you have race baiters running their mouth about how they want to kill cops like all sharp ton?????????


  6. Citizen A is upset and wants to protest something; well and good.

    But when the protest injures or threatens Citizen B, or damages property or impedes Citizen B's right to move about freely, Citizen A has moved beyond their protected boundaries to protest.

    If A won't promptly restore B's rights by protesting in a manner that respects both A and B's rights, authorities (mayor, governor, etc) have a responsibility to restore order. Police are directed to intervene, and courts are requested to issue warrants, injunctions, etc.

    In Missouri, New York and Ohio the elected authorities have not protected B's rights as they have permitted mobs to roam, impede and destroy.

    The police are agents of the elected administrators and follow the directions they are given.

    The NYC situation is ultimately the responsibility of the mayor. The police were directed to pursue sellers of 'loosie' cigarettes because they undercut the large revenue stream regular cigarette sales provide the city.

    It's a good bet that the mayor voted for those taxes and enforcement penalties in his previous role as a councilman, and he could have directed looser enforcement once he became mayor. So his agents (police) were enforcing his policies when the seller was tackled after resisting arrest (30 + previous arrests).

    The arrest was supervised by a black, female sergeant and after he was subdued an ambulance took him for medical care. His current physical condition played a major role in his passing.

    Viewed this way, the mayor has direct responsibility for his death since he placed revenue first and authorized arrest of violators.

    By then throwing in with the mob, permitting freeways and bridges to be closed down by 'protesters' and by encouraging disparagement of the police (his agents) he did a great disservice to regular citizens (B), and alienated the very folks he relies upon to maintain physical control of the city. He richly deserves the scorn he is receiving.

    We're in for a bumpy ride until elected leaders put the rights of regular citizens to be unimpeded ahead of coddling the disruptive tactics of those claiming to be upset.

  7. I'm not anti-police, I'm anti bully, anti sociopath, anti murderer, anti poor character, anti arrogance, anti stupid...

  8. Police are not the problem in this country. Our entitlement society is.

  9. The population needs a solid 25-30% cull. More people being IDIOTS and suicide by officers is a good thing. Not like they contribute to society in any way. Criminals.

  10. "All lives matter" and the policy of police policing themselves has failed. The brotherhood of blue can do no wrong in their own eyes. Its time for outside oversight to ensure police brutality and overuse of force is no longer tolerated or allowed. The boys in blue have proven they are incapable of doing the right thing when one of their own steps out of line. I'm not anti-cop, but the bad apples are giving all the rest a bad name. Its their own fault that a lot of the public is turning against them.

  11. EVERY society has problems, sooner or later, with the police or "security forces", or whatever name they go by in their particular sphere of power. Even the Romans questioned (and had severe problems with) their own Centurions, who amassed such unbridled and unchecked ("Who guards the guards?") power that they scared even the Emperor.
    History doesn't repeat? Of course it does, as it is now.
    "We the people" are monitored, under surveillance, watched, photographed, and listened to on a scale not even seen in dictatorships (!!). Punishments are doled out, not for "justice", but for MONEY to fund more police and more surveillance.
    How does EVERY society handle the eventual heavy handed and randomly brutal hand of those who "protect them" (but in actuality, protect the status quo and the wealth of the powers in control)?
    Revolt. Civil war. Insurrection.
    You can rationalize all you'd like, but history is a teacher.
    We are the bad student.
    Keep cheering.

  12. I love it when a Thug says he pays my salary. I love it when people living in section 8 say they pay my salary as an officer. No really you turds "I" pay for you. I work and pay taxes. I do not sit on may ass all day drinking grape soda and eating chips popping babies out by the six pack. No I work and send my kid to school to deal with your born addicted mouth breather #4.

    Yea If any cop lets it bother them when these leaches cry out. Get out of police work. I laugh and enjoy that they kill each other every day. Cops can not scratch the surface when it comes to Black on Black killings. Their only savior is they multiply like freaking rats. I think an unwed and unemployed with over two kids needs her tubes not just tied take the mother freakers OUT!

    I am tired of paying. No I am not a racist I am a realist. Tired of hearing it.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Your civic-mindedness and insight are inspiring, 12:04. Law-enforcement jobs are open. Go for it.

    December 31, 2014 at 6:15 AM

    I doubt I would fail the iq test. And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't shoot first and ask questions later, especially against old people and pets.

    Maybe there are job opening because most people don't want to be viewed as the enemy by their fellow citizens?


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