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Sunday, January 04, 2015

Muslim U.S. Congressman Busted Working With Terrorist Frontman

One of the two sitting U.S. Congressmen who happen to also be Muslim was caught working together with a known frontman and fundraiser for terrorist groups.

Indiana Representative Andre Carson (D) took part in a major Islamic convention in Chicago this weekend. The convention was hosted and sponsored by the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Islamic Circle of North America.

Carson was a featured guest on a panel discussing the events in Ferguson and beyond. He was joined on that panel by a man named Mazen Mokhtar, who is known for operating an Al Qaeda website and fundraising for the Taliban.

It is presumed that Carson knew who Mokhtar is, and it is certain that the FBI knows who Mokhtar is, as he was named in a 2004 federal investigation of a UK-based Al Qaeda website that raised money for the Taliban, among other terrorist organizations. Mokhtar stands accused of operating a US-based mirror website of the one in the UK, according to PJ Media.

As per the Washington Post: “Mazen Mokhtar, an Egyptian-born imam and political activist, operated a Web [sic] site identified in an affidavit unsealed Friday by the U.S. attorney’s office in Connecticut. The Web site solicited funds for the Taliban and Chechen mujaheddin, according to the affidavit. It is an exact replica of Web [sic] sites operated by Babar Ahmad, who was arrested in England on a U.S. extradition warrant this week.”



  1. Keep voting these Muslims and Democrats in Office why don't you.

    Problem is Obama will get him off.

  2. He needs to resign

  3. And America sings "Kumbayah"

  4. Nice, real nice (I'm being very, very sarcastic)

  5. How ate terrorist working in the USA.

  6. 8:01 Resign? How about hang for treason?

  7. Where is eric holders investigation? Ooops wrong color ans religion.

  8. I know the slow people have a hard time understanding this, but its not illegal to be a Muslim.

    And muslims aren't responsible for 9/11.

    And they aren't responsible for your soldiers deaths. You are.

    Your feigned indignation over the death of Wall Street employees who would spit on you and call you ignorant backwoods hillbillies is so pitiful.

    They send your children to die for their corporate profits and you die poor. Most of you anyway.

    But you're stubborn and set in your ways and your used to the government and its 4th branch the media educating you. Because you don't read nor do you research. I know this may sound harsh, the truth often is.

    And it's that same flaw that has you go out and vote over and over for a 1 party social club with two divisions that you aren't a part of. Never a benefit will you ever see. The left raises taxes for social programs and the right sells you out for cheap labor.

    I do pity Americans. Mostly because your future is being sold out from under your nose and instead of using the guns you have to revolt you put faith in the system that's doing it to you.

  9. 4:26
    We should have just let Saddam kill all you filthy pigs.


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