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Monday, January 19, 2015

What Do You Believe?


  1. no doubt this bs article was authored by Michael Moore

  2. I don't believe Osama was shot, killed or buried. I don't trust Obama but the idiot Democrats drool over him.

    Notice the resemblance... Obama/Osama.

  3. Did it happen, as MSM reported?

  4. Bin Laden Died from Kidney Failure years ago. The gov story of the seals killing him was bullshit.

    1. 7:48, I find it odd or actually peculiar that when the helicopter crashed bin laden was the least bit distracted from watching television (as the suppossed video showed). What I really think happened was that he died of natural causes and the staged raid was sanctioned so as to give a certain person a boost for reelection.


  5. He and Owebama will have homes on the same golf course in Cuba. Once the freebie flights are over Owebama will be too cheap to pay for flying to/fro Hawaii.

  6. Nope. He is currently incognito and shaved.He is in the White House with one of his wives, Michelle.

  7. Thank you 7:48! There is good CIA and bad CIA. The good guys had Bin Laden in there sights receiving dialysis treatment prior to 9/11 and were ordered to stand down. The Bin Laden's and Bush families are best oil buds. The truth may scare a lot of people. "Loose Change" is a documentary supported by evidence that explains a whole lot! Wake up sheeple!!!

  8. He and Elvis are playing dominoes in the Florida Keys.

  9. He works at the 7-11 on nanticoke rd. Trust me he is dead as a door nail. He was in Pakistan wtf people read another moore report. Just like Elvis lol we got some freaking retards living in this country. lol He is hanging out with J.F.K. Freedom is not free he and a bunch of other turds have been flushed

  10. He is living on the same island as JFK, RFK, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis and the island is owned by Howard Hughes. They let you fools vote & have children?


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