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Monday, January 19, 2015

Maryland college tuition 2% hike approved Friday

Thousands of Maryland college students are just getting the news that an extra charge is about to be added to their tuition bills.

The State's Board of Regents late Friday afternoon signed off on a 2 percent tuition hike at four area universities.

The 2 percent hike equals about $60 for in-state students at Towson, College Park, Salisbury and Frostburg state.

At Towson, administrators started tightening their financial belts back in the fall.



  1. Hay..what happened to Free???

  2. Welcome to the real world kids!

  3. That should be enough to pay for Salisbury's purchase in Riverton, and future high end properties!

  4. Do you know how awful this is going to be for a lot students, particularly the ones that pay for their own education? They have only a couple of weeks until classes start and they have to figure out how to pay a paltry amount that is being added to their tuition.

    It's not that it's a lot of extra dough, its the process. If anyone has had the unfortunate experience in dealing with the SU cashiers office, you would know the pain that is about to occur.

  5. Resident tuition effective 1/16/2015 is $8,622 for the year at Salisbury University. That would be another $172.44 per year not to mention the enormous fees per credit our. Go to SU's website and you will see there are tons of fees already tacked on. The University of Maryland System is a rip off and obviously ran by Democrats for way to long.

    Please Mr. Hogan replace those thieves at UMS with Republicans.

  6. People complaining obviously didn't go to college... or they didn't commit to learning and work at 7-11.

  7. so the State is going to charge itself $60 more per "Dreamer" - that's a revenoo enhancer

  8. 20 Years old, and can't get a job and make $65.00? You don't belong in college. What's that, 5 cases of beer you skip?
    But that's the kind living in our area.
    It should've been alot more of an increase.

  9. So much hate for college students, I say that younger generations should stop paying in to social security if this entitled older generation wants to give them such a hard time (hey, you guys created this mess, blame yourselves!)

    News flash, the cost of college far exceeds what young people can afford to pay for! Its not the 50s anymore...

  10. Whenever government gets involved, the costs go UP.
    Examples: healthcare; college tuition.
    If you younger people want to get this cost spiral under control, you'd better think carefully about how you VOTE.

  11. SHHH - You can hear the fat lady (JD-E) warming up. Hopefully Hogan will send her packing.


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