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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Video of Unarmed Black Man with Hands Up Killed, Shot Six Times by NJ Cops: You Make The Call


  1. Thank God he was killed by a black cop, also the perpetrator had just gotten out of jail for shooting a police officer so who cares about this thug.

  2. cant see what he is reaching for. really didnt see his hands up until he jumped out of the car and then didnt see both hands up

  3. I am not a cop, nor do I have much faith in them, but this looked to me like a justifiable kill to me. He gave the guy numerous stern warnings. If the cop saw a gun and the guy was reaching for it, then he was defending his life (not to mention the lives of everyone else on the scene). If a gun is found in the car, it's a closed case (and rightfully so).

  4. Maybe holder can step in and control the situation LOL and SHAPSCUM can help lose Another Non case.

  5. The officer identified a gun in the glove box, which you can clearly hear. The passenger was not responding to warnings, failed to open the door and was reaching for something. Clean shot.

  6. The passenger was the one who was shot, and the driver was the one with his hands up. Just more anti cop baiting by the clueless masses.

  7. Good shoot bad shoot - that is for the investigators and the Court. What creates and air of suspicion is when a supervisor orders that they turn off their recoding devices. Was that a stupid decision or deliberate act to cover something up. this will be and become a very big part of the investigation.

  8. Ron Tilghman,

    Go away. You were a horrible supervisor and you probably would have said the exact same thing.

  9. impossible to call from this camera angle. Cameras on cops please

  10. Why are you afraid to use your name gutless - Want to call someone a horrible supervisor at least have the balls to use your name.

  11. He got his 15 sec of fame and lost.

  12. Very simple, do as you are told and don't get shot.

  13. Ron,

    No. Enjoy that miserable retirement.

  14. clearly you all are dumb asses...

    And you can't see...

    the white cop shot 1 or 2 times as well...

    Also, to the POS cops and idiots who know nothing, COPS do yell and order you to do things just to say them and to have it recorded... Just like when cops are handcuffing someone and then start to beat them, you will hear them stop resisting, stop resisting and then you hear stop going for my gun, stop going for my gun and clearly the videos show they were doing no such thing, yet the cops lied in court and on documents UNTIL THE VIDEO SHOWED THEM LING...

    I am not saying all cops are bad but when you are complicit you are no better than the guy doing the crime... you all think bc someone had a criminal past it is ok to kill them and it is not period!!!!

  15. Cops are only here for making the corporation of america more money and to shoot you... That is all nothing else...

    I don't see anyone protecting anyone from anyone...

  16. As has been said before, "you do not have the right to resist arrest."

    Do what the cop says and if you feel you have not been treated properly you can easily find a lawyer to state your case. You might even end up with some money rather than a funeral.

    Think long term, not in the moment.

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I am not a cop, nor do I have much faith in them, but this looked to me like a justifiable kill to me. He gave the guy numerous stern warnings. If the cop saw a gun and the guy was reaching for it, then he was defending his life (not to mention the lives of everyone else on the scene). If a gun is found in the car, it's a closed case (and rightfully so).

    January 22, 2015 at 10:50 AM

    The kop had already removed the gun and had it in his possession before the guy got out of the car. Also the dead guy was known for shooting at kops before so that might have something to do with him being killed.

    Also, did anyone notice near the end of the video the kop tells every other cop to turn off their audio?

    Watch it again

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    As has been said before, "you do not have the right to resist arrest."

    You have a DUTY to resist an UNLAWFUL arrest.

  19. 1:09 nailed it! I am not a fan of most kops these days, we all know the many reasons why the public also feels the same way. Bottom line keep your mouth shut and ask for a lawyer, hash it out in court and then sue them!
    Although I do wonder if obummer had a son which one of these two ie, the shooter or the vic would he have been?

  20. @1:13 What makes you think it's an unlawful arrest?

  21. Don't be dissin Po Po, it be bad for your health yo.

  22. Sorry to see bad comments about Sgt Tilghman when this article has nothing to do with him. I worked for him many years and still keep in touch with him. I guess everyone has different experiences with different people, but he was a great person to work for. He always had your back when needed. And im sure his loving his retirement in the great deep South. VM

  23. Whatever happened to getting back and telling the them to exit the car and lay on the ground with hand where they can see them.

  24. I wonder why so much hate is being spewed. I guess there are many miserable lives in Salisbury.

  25. It's spelled COPS NOT KOPS.....GEEZ!!! I wish people that run their mouth were more literate!!


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