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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Greg Bassett, Back To His Old Daily Times Ways/Lies

How do you tell LIES in a Newspaper and get away with it? Well, you do just like Greg Bassett has mastered and you get people to write their own articles or press releases and then publish it, even though you KNOW they are lying. 

This is exactly the case, (once again) in this weeks weekly rag. I told you people this guy was the saving grace of the old "Dream Team" that DESTROYED Salisbury. His paper IS specifically designed to pump up selected people, (Dream Team) and destroy other select people. 

He'll publish ANYTHING that makes Democrats look good and tarnish Republicans every chance he gets. 

Greg, I called you a week ago and left a message. I tried giving you the heads up but stupid me, I should have known you didn't want to know the TRUTH. No, you don't answer the phone and or return phone messages because you know you were about to publish more lies.

Let me explain this to you ONE MORE TIME. Tamara Brooks was NOT fired by Bob Culver, as your paper once again states. You stated that she was terminated the morning Culver took Office. Not true and you know it. She was terminated at 7:00 PM the night BEFORE Culver was sworn in. 

Bassett takes a ton of pot shots at the new County Executive in a few different articles, hiding behind his selected authors. He's not a man, he's a coward. 

Nothing has changed Greg and you are fooling no one. I will say this though, like the good Liberal Tree Huger that you are, at least your paper is only a few pages thick, (like the Daily Times) and you are saving the earth.


  1. Sadly he is part of the Matt Holloway, Lee Beauchamp, Mike Dunn crowd. He does not know the truth, however as we all know Joe, the truth eventually comes out. All of these Pollitt acolytes will have egg on all of their faces before long. It is truly unfortunate that Bassett has chosen to follow the path he has, it will/is causing his paper to fail.

  2. I gave up on him when he wrote that insane puff piece on Mitzi Perdue and interviewed Mike Dunn as his first one-on-one interview. Done with the Independent.

  3. Kim Hudson's editorial last week makes it sound like the money for a new school is just sitting in Annapolis and now we're refusing to take it.

  4. Can you say liberal propaganda pusher.

  5. He and Susan Parker - one sided on all issues.

  6. Tamara and Pollitt should be investigated for unemployment fraud.... Wait, already ahead of that...

  7. Culver should sue him into bankruptcy.

  8. Bassett has not changed since high school - the same jerk now as then.

  9. He doesn't sell his newspapers, he just drops them off without permission. call him and demand he stop throwing papers on your property. Then he can't lie to advertisers about circulation

  10. Take those papers throw them in his parkinglot

  11. As of 1 Feb, the subscription rate for DT is increasing to$23.00 per month.

  12. Not very bright. Always has been lefty, but the lies and the "twisting of the truth" is his "talent"...

    just consider the source and go on. this is now his "habit".

  13. Don't support either local newspaper. You can see plenty of liberal lies by watching the news every night. Go online for news sources. Save your $$.

  14. Contact Independent Newspapers, Inc., the owner of the Salisbury Not-So-Independent.

    Tell them about how Bassett uses newspapers in the most biased ways and how their reputation is on the line.

  15. If I was a Republican/Conservative Attorney I'd devote a significant amount of time into just suing the snot out of Bassett!! Just for sport!


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