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Saturday, January 03, 2015

Two Cops Use Pepper Spray to Defend Themselves While Getting Choked, Beaten by Seven Attackers

Two Boston police officers were about to put handcuffs on 19-year-old Woobenson Morisset on a warrant for defaulting on court appearances. That’s when, police say, Morisset yelled out — and the nearby apartments emptied. A group of six — Morisset’s 18-year-old brother and five juveniles — allegedly joined Morisset in beating and choking the two officers Monday night, Boston.com reported.

The unnamed officers, a man and woman, used pepper spray to defend themselves before backup arrived, WBZ-TV reported. The officers didn’t draw their guns. Suffolk Assistant District Attorney Dana Pierce described the scene after the two officers encountered Morisset. The Boston Globe reported:

Two officers found him in a rear stairwell, where a “violent struggle ensued” when they tried to arrest him, Pierce said. One officer got elbowed in the neck, suffering vocal cord contusions and hemorrhaging, and the other, a woman, took a punch in the face, the prosecutor said, without specifying who delivered the blows. In the process, police lost control of Woobenson Morisset and “from there on it was essentially a melee in a very narrow stairwell,” Pierce said. The seven teens, acting as a group, punched, kicked, and choked police, resulting in bumps and bruises to both officers and hand, head, and hip injuries to the female officer, she said.



  1. One on one use pepper spray more than one use your gun until you equal the odds

  2. 11:15 No. No matter how many people are attacking you, you use WHATEVER to eliminate the threat.

  3. Uncivilized barbarians are reproducing far too fast.

  4. Joe! Again I beg you! Please post stories msm isn't that I know you have received! There are just as many stories of people no one would imagine helping officers! Crop gang leaders......illegals.....etc! The only people who do nothing is the media! Please show that the world is not against the police! All lives matter!


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