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Saturday, January 03, 2015

DNR Press Release 1-3-15

Saturation patrols, surveillance and tips from the public led to oyster poaching charges being filed by Maryland Natural Resources Police officers against four Eastern Shore watermen over the holiday period.

On Monday, officers set up surveillance near Deal Island in Somerset County to check for oyster harvesting before legal hours. At about 5:30 a.m., they saw a boat operating without navigational lights head into Tangier Sound.

The officers tailed the vessel and watched its activity with night-vision glasses. Two officers boarded the vessel and directed the operator, Lance Carl Fridley, 29, of Deal Island, to return to shore. Once back at Deal Island, the officers found seven bushels aboard, all ranging from 55 percent to 69 percent unsorted.

Fridley was charged with seven counts of possessing unculled oysters, oystering before legal hours, having oysters aboard between two hours after sunset and sunrise, power dredging in a prohibited area, operating a vessel without navigational lights, and negligent operation of a vessel.



  1. What happened to NPR officer Dan Long?

  2. NPR is National Public Radio doofus!

  3. Everyone is making sacrifices in terms of saving the bay.
    All kinds of fees and taxes are collected from all walks of life to assist this. Then you have thieves like those arrested to remind us that some people just want something for nothing. The fines and punishment should be tripled.

  4. Lance has been breaking laws his entire life. Glad he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar!!! Excellent job DNR


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