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Sunday, January 04, 2015

Sober Driver Arrested for DUI when Deputy blows through Stop Sign, Hits Her

The woman was seriously injured in the accident and wasn’t able to take a breath test or field sobriety test.

So the officer arrested her for drunk driving anyway.

I hope she can fully recover...

After having her neck broken in four places her eyes looked glassy and her speech was slurred? Yeah, she must be drunk... /s



  1. That's a pretty easy one, if she went to the hospital there will be bloodwork. Subpoena the results. Case closed.

  2. Thank God for good cops

  3. Hopefully soon someone will start using radar and lidar to give cops speeding tickets.

  4. "...with liberty and justice for all." ALL.
    Sound familiar?
    Equal justice for everyone, regardless of status, position, rank, or authority.
    Lady Justice is supposedly blind; it's the States Attorney who looks at the evidence (cop runs stop sign, almost kills a citizen, then charges HER with drunk driving).
    What was the police officer charged with? Making sure he gets home for dinner....
    Keep cheering.

  5. Think this could happen in Wicomico County?

  6. Again, another of the multitude of examples of police abuse of power, deliberate breech of their oath of service and blatant arrogance while breaking the law they are charged to uphold.
    And they wonder why people think of them the way they do?

  7. all these 'little' things add up until the public says enough is enough. and that is exactly what we are seeing nationwide.

    I do not condone the murder of cops in general, BUT, the execution of such bad kops is hard to defend when they continue to use such actions and with impunity.

    I warned a long time ago these types of things were going to happen to cops if they continued doing such things, and even bragging and laughing about them.

    Now you are demanding public support for these actions that you are solely responsible for.

    When you stop covering for and covering up for the bad kops in your midst, you may start receiving the respect you seek.

    If not, you unfortunately may expect more of the same treatment and targeting that is currently going on.

    NOBODY, except the worse of the worse wants any dead cops. Myself included. But it WILL take some positive actions on your part to stem the tide.

    Good luck.

  8. I am always shocked when I am riding down the road and a trooper blows my door off rushing to get somewhere. I know for a fact that this excessive driving is not necessary and is dangerous. Why is this practice accepted by the Maryland State Police??? Probably because people are afraid to report the trooper for fear of making a hit list. If you call and complain or write and complain... they investigate.

  9. 6:11 PM

    I get behind them and follow them


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