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Sunday, January 04, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: UMES PA Program and Students In Serious Trouble

Someone in the program told us about this and says it's serious. They are halfway through the program and they don't know if their degree will be useful if the school doesn't get off this probation.
From the UMES PA Program website:Accreditation Statement

The Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA) has placed the Physician Assistant program sponsored by the University of Maryland Eastern Shore on Accreditation- Probation status until its next validation review in September 2015.

Probation is a temporary status of accreditation conferred when a program does not meet theStandards and when the capability of the program to provide an acceptable educational experience for its students is threatened.

Once placed on probation, programs that still fail to comply with accreditation requirements in a timely manner, as specified by the ARC-PA, may be scheduled for a focused site visit and/or risk having their accreditation withdrawn.

Specific questions regarding the Program and its plans should be directed to the Program Director and/or the appropriate institutional official(s).


  1. I know someone who was in the engineering program and found out it wasn't accredited. Transfer out while you can...

  2. University of Maryland Elementary School.

  3. This is par for the course at UMES.
    Obviously this program should be cancelled. Peoples lives are at risk.
    Let UMES stick to food services and Environmental engineering, maybe that will improve the graduation rate.

  4. All that money wasted away......in the name of equality?

  5. If the graduation rate is 16% as has been reported, and 90% of the students are "on scholarships," money is being wasted on more programs than just this one.

  6. But they are still building new buildings and buying more land. Tax dollars being wasted for nothing.

  7. Give me a Nurse Practitioner any day. Physician Assistants are the equivalent of "Shake-N-Bake" officers on the field - done but not ready for Prime Time.

  8. I know the past director of the PT program and he says when a minority is kicked out of their program because of grades all they have to do is appeal to the administration and they are let back in. They can pass the "Program," but they can't pass the National and State exams.

    I bet if a white person failed out and appealed they would get a "Sorry for your Luck" letter from the administration.

    I am confident this is what is happening in the PA-C program if indeed their is a problem.

  9. The whole school should be put on probation. Watered down curriculums, substandard teaching. It's a shame because the campus itself is nice.

  10. All UMES turns out is idiots, the degrees aren't worth the paper they are printed on. When an employer sees you got your degree from UMES, he snickers, they had them out like pretzels, the degree is just given to certain ethnic groups to look good.

  11. 4:57
    More like classes in blunt rolling and DHSS online applications would help graduation rates.

  12. Unfortunately, I was a graduate of UMES but claim University of MD. I saw how students only came to class on the first day, midterm and finals and still get an "A." A lot of underclassman get the quizzes and tests answers from upperclassman. The professors teach the same curriculum year after year. So it's very easy to pass their course. Also, I recall that the Education Department was also placed on Academic Probation because there were graduates that could not pass the teacher's examination(?)in order to teach. UMES is not worried about your education or safety. They're there because it's a "business" and will take anyone and pass them as long as $$$$$$ keep rolling in. It's a shame because there are people out there who go to college to get an education and make something out of themselves.

  13. Any one who holds a degree from this school can at best be qualified for flipping burgers at most fast foods.
    We all know that the standards at this institution are so low your high school diploma or GED would be similar in credentials.
    Also, we all know why.

  14. What are the entrance requirements? Do they include minimum SAT requirements and grades?

  15. 8:14 the entrance requirements are, tuition, and can you at least write your name on the application, "we will fill out the rest", and are you breathing.

  16. 8:58 If "we will fill out the rest" is necessary for someone to complete an application, how are research papers and essays ever written? Should school systems be hiring graduates of these programs to teach our kids or does that perpetuate the cycle of poor academic skills?

  17. I went to UMES. This school should be investigated by some entity. Some of their practices are questionable to me. Several issues bothered me. The math dept. was not geared to academic success. I often wondered, does this school make more money when the students fail in math? Why are students teaching students and was it all about the $$$ grant writing $$$ for my instructors?
    OMG! Outrageous prices for the textbooks. Textbooks in the math dept. are customized for this school which means I could not buy a used textbook online. Is this so this to make money for the school? Math was very difficult. One of my math classes was taught by a fellow student NOT trained as a teacher. He never attended the required training to teach students. Every day he copied the lesson out of the book onto the chalkboard. Most of the time, I could barely understand his thick accent. My second math instructor was also hard to understand due to his thick accent. Math tutors were not available in the math lab. I had to go to Wor-Wic to use the math instructors for assistance. Both the Math and English dept. pays UMES students to tutor their students. It is so much easier when there is a paid employee available to instruct rather than a hurried, rushed, stressed out student who does not have time or experience to teach. More shocked me at this school.
    It seemed like most of my instructors had mentally and emotionally checked out. Some of my instructors worked two jobs, one at UMES and taught at other school be it SU, some were a Wicomico Co. employee. They were tired and stressed. My personal advisor was an instructor and grant writer. He was preoccupied on grant writing rather than advising which affected me personally, he had no time to advise me, he did not listen to me and I was advised wrongly. An expensive $600 + mistake for me as an out of pocket paying student. Another instructor had a student teacher assistant give the class a major exam, while she, our instructor, was spending her time on “a million dollar funding project” for UMES. These examples left me with this question: Is this a university for the students or a money maker for someone else? Again, I felt there is an all about the money mentality among the faculty at UMES.
    I doubt it will ever change. I could go on and on with many examples of what was disturbing and stressful during my years at UMES, but why bother? Money rules here at this institution. Most of these imported students have not attended another college. They have nothing to compare it to. I would like to see a list of the past 10 years showing the dropout rate, the graduation rate, how many have had to repeat failed math classes and the cost of debt to these students. Only those who have attended other colleges see how UMES is not focused on academic success for students. I wish I went to SU. I would not recommend this school and I will never return.
    Source: My experience of 2.5 years at UMES and 4 yrs at local and out of state community colleges.

  18. They should close the doors. After 40,000 dollars on education they would not place a student in the required placement and was told she didn't comply. What a load of crap lawyers should have been involved. It is all about the money.

  19. "Help I cant breath" need I say more. Ignorance because we allow it. That college has been sub-standard for years. A handful of grads that come from that university are employable in the their fields. Sad times the layers are being peeled away and finally the truth is coming out. The dumbing down of America has begun to expose the truth. Blacks want to be held to a higher standard. Really try living by it first.

  20. I would like to know the education of you people leaving these comments because honestly, you all sound like awful people. Don't speak on matters when you have no idea what you are talking about. Actually, the person who wrote this article should probably check their facts because a lot of this is untrue.

  21. The PA program lost its accreditation. This is devastating.


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