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Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sen. Mike Lee: Repeal Obamacare With 51-Vote Senate Majority

(CNSNews.com) -- Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) said “yes,” he would use reconciliation to repeal the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, the signature legislation of President Barack Obama.

At the Capitol on Tuesday, CNSNews.com asked the senator, “Given that the Senate enacted Obamacare in a reconciliation measure that only required 51 votes, would you support repealing Obamacare with only 51 votes?”

“Yes,” said the senator.

Established through the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, budget reconciliation means that the Senate can pass fiscally relevant measures, such as tax or spending items in existing legislation, with a simple majority, 51 votes out of 100, instead of the supermajority of 60 votes out of 100 needed to pass legislation. Senate debate on a reconciliation measure is limited to 20 hours.



  1. 100:22 has a good point. He has already destroyed the system that had worked for all these years, which was his intention to start with.

  2. sweems like the republicans should work on Americas future instead of beating a dead horse!!!

  3. you mean the republicans no longer look for the super majority...

  4. Well said Ed Toadvine.
    But as a Democrat myself, I think that all political leaders need to stop acting like they have been and start looking at what is best for ALL Americans.
    Take the money out of politics....Corporations give millions of dollars to candidates... well that candidate is now fighting for the interest of said corporation, not the interest of the american people.

    This was just an example. Both sides are guilty of this. It is time we start holding them accountable for their actions.


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