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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Rand Paul says 'over half the people on disability' are undeserving'

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul told attendees of a New Hampshire meet and greet this morning that 'over half the people on disability' are undeserving and are 'gaming the system.'

The 2016 presidential hopeful made the remarks while speaking at a breakfast for legislative leaders at Murphy's Diner in Manchester that was open to the press.

His speech was videotaped by a Democratic tracker, and an excerpt containing the remarks on persons claiming to be disabled was posted to YouTube.



  1. Well he's atleast part right. My mother was forced out the workforce at 59 after having a necessary but recoverable operation. The company was the first one pushing for it. Eventually it came down to either racking up huge legal bills to fight it in court, all while recovering, or just retiring and going on long term disability.

  2. He might be right. I'm inclined to almost agree with him.


    He hasn't even started running and he's already casting people out. So much for being the party of inclusion. Does he not remember what Romney said in 2012? Idiot.

  3. Half of those reading this post are on disability.At least people used to actually BE disabled to get disability,but now they are allowed to work another job while getting disability.Entire law firms have devoted their resources to getting disability for able bodied people.

  4. both sides are scared s less of Rand

    The knives are coming out already against this good man

  5. The truth not only hurts, but it scares the living daylights out of people who sucking the system dry, like the thousands of people who, 10 days before they retire, "slip" and hurt their back, or knee, or ankle.
    I see credit reports all the time and the average American would be STUNNED to see how many people are collecting "disability".
    And the reasons they have for being "disabled".
    Like Harry Truman famously said, "I don't give 'em hell, I just tell the truth and they THINK its hell."
    Making people actually work and earn what they have is SO yesterday. It's MUCH easier to let someone ELSE work and provide what you want.

  6. Disability...The New Welfare SystemJanuary 17, 2015 at 1:39 PM

    I know plenty of people on Disability and carry themselves better than me...

  7. He's probably right. My past drug loving white trash pig of a human being ex-wife is now on full disability because she's a substance abuser. I guess we can all shoot ourselves in the foot and have the government support us the rest of our lives!

  8. The only ones that should be upset by these statements are the one's that are gaming the system. I know people who are drawing disability that shaft tong oysters on the side daily. Nothing is harder work than that.

  9. And some of us reading this need to be on disability and know because of the ones gaming the system that the hassle and BS involved in getting there is not worth it. So we get up in the morning hurting, myself hurting so bad that I vomit, and we drag our butts off to work, part-time because we can't work full time anymore, and then we work all day hurting and we drag home hurting.

    And then because we only work part-time we aren't eligible for insurance and can't afford it while working part time and if we don't go on the gravy train government insurance policy, which I haven't, they will fine me for not taking the hand out which really isn't a hand out because they would be giving me money for insurance that isn't worth anything. It doesn't pay my specialty doctors and it doesn't cover the procedures I need. Go figure.

  10. Yes, there are people who game the system, and those people make it harder for the ones who truly are disabled to be approved for disability.

    It took me three years, statements from doctors, operations, and finally having to get a lawyer to be approved.

    They make it difficult to weed out the ones who don't really need it I guess. But it also causes hardships for the ones who need it and makes surviving that much harder.

    There are many different reasons to be disabled, not all of them physical. Some you can't tell by looking at them they are disabled.

    Anyone could look at me and tell I was disabled just by the way I walked and the look of pain on my face all the time.

    The money I get is not much but it sure beats what I was getting before, which was nothing.

  11. Sometimes there just aren't enough scooters at Walmart, especially on "check day". Now that's a problem!


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