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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

O'Malley suggests more options to cut deficit

BALTIMORE —Maryland's budget deficit has grown, and Gov.-elect Larry Hogan will inherit a $767 million shortfall next fiscal year.

Before leaving office, Gov. Martin O'Malley released suggestions on where Hogan could find some savings. The Hogan administration said it is not familiar with the suggestions and that it is focused on what O'Malley did to reduce spending.

"The biggest threat to us (is) those revenue writedowns," O'Malley said Friday.

The state's budget deficit is growing bigger by the month. The initial $750 million has jumped to $766.9 million. O'Malley cited low tax revenues from what he characterizes as an underperforming private sector, and he blames Congress.



  1. great after all the fee and tax increases of the last two occupants of this state governors house, and we are still damn near $1 bil in arrears. Hogan start cutting!

  2. He blames Congress like Obama blames Bush.

  3. Just go away already.

  4. 40 + tax and fee increases plus all the new gambling revenue and still short on dollars. Maybe there just might be a spending problem?????

  5. He sure looks like a loser these days!

  6. another clueless liberal

  7. This guys is totally clueless..wants to spend what he does not have.. Tell me how Elrich left office with no deficiet and this bozos has a record deficit....

  8. Had to see this on WBAL channel 11.
    No mention what so ever from WBOC. This is important news about about Maryland government. Real shame I have to turn to a Baltimore station to find out what is going on here.
    What would it take for WBOC to finally report what is going on in Maryland instead of all Delaware all the time?

  9. Love the Dufus photo.


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