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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Don Pyle's family confirmed dead in fire at Annapolis mansion

A tech tycoon, his wife and their four grandchildren were killed after a devastating blaze ripped through their Annapolis mansion in the early hours of Monday, a local headteacher has confirmed.

Emergency crews in Annapolis were scrambled to the blaze at the waterfront home of Don Pyle, a former CEO, but were unable to save the couple and the children.

Pyle, 56, lived in the 16,000sq ft home with his wife Sandra and their two adult sons. Authorities are yet to confirm the deaths but a local headteacher sent out a letter to staff and students on Tuesday confirming the family had been killed.

Severn School headmaster Douglas Lagarde announced the school would be closed on Tuesday out of respect for the tragedy, The Capital reported. It is assumed but not confirmed that the grandchildren were enrolled at the Lower School of the $17,770 a year private prep school.

'Tomorrow will be the first of many opportunities we, as a School, will provide for our kids to come together, and I emphasize, if they feel the need to,' Lagarde wrote in the letter obtained by the local newspaper.

It came as criminal investigators pored over the ruins of the house for any signs the blaze could have been arson. Specialists with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives now say the fire is 'suspicious' - partly because of how quickly it ravaged the home.



  1. no bodies found??? where are the 2 grown sons and their wives?

  2. "where are the 2 grown sons and their wives?"
    Everyone is asking this question and I imagine they are
    surely in shock and tortured beyond belief over this. It is odd that their names or the names of the children haven't been released to the public yet.
    It is my understanding that the sons are from the wife's first marriage. She is a few years older than the husband who is in his mid 50's. One son is divorced.
    No remains have been found yet because the whole house collapsed into the basement which is filled with water and debris and must be dealt with, with the utmost care in order to try and get to the cause of this fire.

  3. As my grandmother would have said "Time will tell".


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