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Sunday, January 04, 2015

Oh, I'm DYING To Hear Your Views On This One!!!


  1. Lady, you are thinking way too hard about this.

  2. not really, she is right. You're not thinking hard enough.

  3. I bet she used to play her vinyl records backwards in the 60's to hear Satan speak.

  4. everything is the work of Satan, and white people are to blame.

  5. This lady needs to up her meds.
    Imagine if she spent that must time doing something productive?

  6. She is very observant. I would not be surprised if she is not spot on and Monster did all of that on purpose. But I doubt that Monster and Satan are in league with each other. Pretty funny.

  7. A free helmet should come with each 6 pack.

  8. Know 2 teens who about lost their mind drinking them.

  9. Some good devil juice

  10. 12:19 is spot on sheeple. There is a whole world of subliminal mind control, suggestive marketing, and lower magic being practiced on the general public that is too complex for most to comprehend without scaring them back to sleep. The world is not what it seems. Check out "The truth may scare you" free on YouTube

  11. The truth and proof is there. People need to become more aware of symbols and their meanings. That is why people are always caught by surprise they don't use common sense. People should know something about the best and most in depth history book ever. The BIBLE. Not saying you have to believe it but at least be aware.

  12. Does anyone really think that the majority of the population that drinks this crap is because of the Satanic references? No. They drink it because it's considered "cool" by their peers and they like the "M" stickers and fluorescent green! It's called marketing.

    If they wanted you to buy it for the "Satanic"n signs, they would have marketed it to the atheists, who are about 4% of the population, but they decided to be "not stupid".

  13. I could do this with a Cheerios box.

    Well, if I had nothing better to do.

  14. Well I guess that explains all the fun sinning that happens when it's mixed with grain alc


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