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Monday, January 19, 2015

OBAMA TELLS EUROPE TO EMBRACE MUSLIMS: 'Europe Needs to Better Integrate Muslims'

Isn’t that the reason why all of this started?

US President Barack Obama on Friday urged European governments to try to better assimilate their Muslim minority populations as they respond to extremist attacks like last week’s shootings in Paris.

Obama said the Paris attacks “underscored how terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda and ISIL (ISIS) are actively trying to inspire and support people within our own countries to engage in terrorism.”

The US leader said the 2013 Boston marathon bombing showed that the United States was not entirely safe from Islamic militant cells, but suggested that it had had more success than others in integrating minorities.

“Our biggest advantage, major, is that our Muslim populations feel themselves to be Americans and there is this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition,” he said.



  1. Clearly Obama is a liar. Muslims here are ANYTHING BUT Americans.
    There is an enemy sleeper cell in the White House!

  2. This man has no clue.

  3. BULL SH!$ !!!! Lets stop making excuses for bullies. We punish the school yard bully but feel that we must make terrorist feel more welcome so that they fit in and behave??? The only reason that Europe is seeing more terrorist attacks is because they are an softer target. The USA has been more advanced in keeping an eye on things. BUT that is quickly changing with the police bashing and permissive attitudes that are being ingrained in our thinking by leaders that want to be in total control of our every thought. As the older generation dies off it becomes easier for indoctrination because we learn nothing from history and because most of this countries history has been rewritten to paint a rosy picture of horrid events.

  4. Bend over and kiss their rings. Then turn around and kiss their Ass. They like us when we do that. Muslim and chief.

  5. Europe has the balls to kick them out not molly coddle them.

  6. We need to take better aim at muslimes!

    If they want to assimilate - they can shave their beards, wear normal (no face covering) clothes, and keep their religion to themselves.

    Make it the new don't ask don't tell...except if we can tell, we can shoot!


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