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Monday, January 19, 2015

26 female Marines drop out of infantry officer course so far

The failure of two Marine Corps officers to to pass the Jan. 8 first-day Combat Endurance Test of the infantry officer course brings the tally of female dropouts to 26.

One more group of female officers will have a shot at graduation before the Marine Corps completes its integration experiment in June. The next IOC program begins in April.

Military Times reported Friday that of the current IOC class, 15 men out of a class of 118 were forced to drop the course.

Opportunities for female enlisted Marines to cycle through Infantry Training Battalion for seven MOS-specific ground combat training programs will also end soon, the newspaper reported. Marine Corps statistics show that out of 240 volunteers, 106 were successful.



  1. The problem is it is now "an experiment", not a commitment!

  2. And this is a surprise? Com'on man! The good lord made us different and that's just the facts! No shame on the woman.....it's a physical thing and that's all.


  3. Congrats to all who enlisted.

    Congrats to all who attempted the course.

    If course training requirements have proven valid in the field then screwing with them will eventually needlessly cost the lives of Marines of all genders.

  4. They should join the Fire Dept. they are dropping their physical requirements.

  5. Not even the men can complete it at a good rate!

    Leading combat infantry is hard - it needs to be!

    Retired Marine!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Congrats to all who enlisted.

    Congrats to all who attempted the course.

    If course training requirements have proven valid in the field then screwing with them will eventually needlessly cost the lives of Marines of all genders.

    January 19, 2015 at 11:27 AM

    Agreed! It's not easy when it comes down to the actual mission, hence the training.

    If you don't get that, you signed up for the wrong deal.

  7. Hell, when I went into boot camp at parris island, there were 87 in my platoon. We graduated with 33. I would say the percentages work out perfectly.

  8. They don't belong in the service anyway

  9. They will just lower the standards like the do everything else. They wonder why people stop pushing themselves.


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