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Thursday, January 15, 2015

NYPD union meeting erupts into chaos

An ugly scene erupted Tuesday at a Queens banquet hall where NYPD cops had convened to discuss ongoing tensions with City Hall.

The Patrolmen's Benevolent Association chief Patrick Lynch, who so vocally demanded that Mayor Bill de Blasio apologize to the NYPD after showing what they called police bias following the Eric Garner decision, bore the brunt of the ire.

'I don't care about an apology,' one union rep yelled at Lynch as the meeting devolved into chaos. 'I want to know what you're going to do to protect us.'

It was toward the end of the tense 2-hour session when the yelling began, the New York Daily News reports.



  1. Bill de Blasio is a piece of %%%% communist.
    New York, you voted for this P.O.S. and this is what you got.

  2. Exactly..' NYC demoturds deserve this train wreck libtarded mayor..hey they elected bloomfield..he was another blooming libturd


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