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Thursday, January 15, 2015

Experts: If Holmes found insane, he’s unlikely to be freed

DENVER (AP) — If James Holmes is found not guilty by reason of insanity in the Colorado theater massacre, he would be committed indefinitely to the state mental hospital and could — in theory, at least — be released someday.

But psychiatrists and attorneys say that’s highly unlikely, given the enormity of the shootings and the notoriety they have generated.

“He doesn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of ever walking off the grounds of the Colorado state hospital,” said Dr. Steven Pitt, a forensic psychiatrist based in Scottsdale, Arizona, who works on criminal cases but is not involved in the Holmes case.



  1. In a real world, the minute he is cured of his mental disorder is when his murder penalty begins.

  2. He was on mind controlled drugs, provided by yes you guessed it our loving Government,


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