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Saturday, January 03, 2015

Navy Vet and Former Cop Seeks Treatment for Insomnia, Police Promptly CONFISCATE His Firearms

For decades, liberals tried to ram our Second Amendment rights head-on.

They failed.

The new face of gun-grabbing measures is not one of direct legislation, but of a sneaky, backdoor method that centers on a discussion of “mental illness.”

Of course, nobody wants mentally ill people with firearms; however, inviting the government toi determine who is, and who is not, “sane” enough to exercise this right for which they have been gunning (no pun intended) for decades is purely asking for trouble.


  1. You cops are loosing your rights as well! While you applaud illegal check points and the taking of our fourth amendment rights last Monday, you cops are blind to the big picture! Eventually all guns will be " taken" leaving you cops un armed as well! Think not? Look at england! And I know most cops in our area are marshmallows with hearts that pump kool aid! So keep it up sheeple! All lives matter! Not just cops! And once the people are conformed the police become the next targets of big brother!

  2. Wow! Where all the cops convincing folks its OK to have your rights violated? What say you on this subject? Hypocrites!

  3. 710, what this means?

    Is it where or were? you make absolutely no sense, and must be ignored.


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