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Saturday, January 03, 2015

28 Signs That U.S. Public Schools Are Rapidly Being Turned Into Indoctrination Centers And Prison Camps

It has been said that children are our future, and right now the vast majority of our children are being “educated” in public schools that are rapidly being turned into indoctrination centers and prison camps.

Our children desperately need to focus on the basics such as reading, writing and math, but instead a whole host of politicians, “education officials” and teachers are constantly injecting as much propaganda as they possibly can into classroom instruction. Instead of learning how to think, our children are continually being told what to think. Not only that, our children are also being trained how to live as subservient slaves in a Big Brother police state. Today, nearly everything that children do in public schools is watched, monitored, recorded and tracked. Independent thought and free expression are greatly discouraged and are often cracked down upon harshly. If students get “out of line”, instead of being sent to see the principal they are often handcuffed, arrested and taken to the police station. In addition, law enforcement authorities are using weapons such as pepper spray and tasers against young students in our public schools more than ever before. Children in U.S. public schools are not learning how to live as strong individuals in the “land of the free and the home of the brave”. Rather, they are being trained how to serve a Big Brother police state where control freaks run their entire lives. If we continue to allow all of the liberty and freedom to be systematically drained out of our school children, then there is not going to be much hope for the future of this nation.

The following are 28 signs that U.S public schools are being turned into indoctrination centers and prison camps….

#1 All 50 U.S. states are now constructing federally-mandated databases that will track the behavior and performance of all public school students in America throughout their entire school careers. According to the New York Post, the Obama administration wants to use the information that is gathered for a wide array of purposes….

The administration wants this data to include much more than name, address and test scores. According to the National Data Collection Model, the government should collect information on health-care history, family income and family voting status. In its view, public schools offer a golden opportunity to mine reams of data from a captive audience.



  1. Duh..like i said before the NEA IS SATAN or at the very least communist...all for the ushering in of a New world order..

  2. Keep cheering, you idiots.

  3. All parents should make sure their kids read the book 1984 by George Orwell and discuss it with them.The similarity to what is happening today is just unbelievable.

  4. Kids aren't taught their rights anymore. We are being conformed by our government to accept the police state! Sheeple!

  5. OK wait, stop...Satan was a Communist?

  6. Middle class no longer send their children to public school. Public schools are breeding grounds for drugs, violence and gangs. Education can be taught in a environment of no control or discipline.

  7. When schools teach children their parents are wrong in their beliefs and wisdom and have parents arrested for speaking against them, we have a problem. Five year olds hauled away in hand cuffs!!!!!! Serious problem. When teachers do wrong and have no consequence or investigation even,yet the demanding of answers parent is charged , we've been lost! In fifty years we've went from peaceful integrated higher learning institutions to diverse and stupid , criminal breeding grounds. The many successful students that make it through believe that whatever the government says is right and have no idea what this country was ever really about.


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