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Tuesday, January 20, 2015


A series of meetings is scheduled to get public input on the Town’s action plan for the next several years. Come tell us what’s great about Berlin and what we can do better. We want to hear from you!

Meetings are scheduled for

Thursday, January 29, 5:30-8:30 PM at the Multipurpose Building, 130 Flower Street. Immediately following the Meeting, join us at the Welcome Center, 14 S. Main Street for light refreshments.

Saturday, February 7, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM at Town Hall, 10 William Street

Thursday, February 12, 6-9 PM at Buckingham Elementary School, 100 Buckingham Road. Babysitting is offered during the meeting (drop-off 1/2 hour before) at Worcester Youth and Family Counseling, 124 N. Main Street. Immediately following the Meeting, join us at the Welcome Center, 14 S. Main Street for light refreshments.

Saturday, Feburary 21, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM at the Multipurpose Building, 130 Flower Street. Babysitting is offered during the meeting (drop-off 1/2 hour before) at Worcester Youth and Family Counseling, 124 N. Main Street.


  1. As taxpayers, we need to show up for all of these meetings. We are getting ready to get screwed. They just added the rain tax and when they do all the development of Royal Farms and 600 plus apartments by the schools these taxes will go up. When they buy the Tyson plant and pay councilman Troy Purnell all that tax money then the property comes OFF the tax rolls as then owned by the Town there will be NO property taxes collected from it!! So, our property tsxes go up to make up the loss plus they go up to develop it into this park. Then comes the new town department of parks and rec with big salaries, vehicles, equipment, utilities, and maintenance. They said last year they had no money for the fire and ambulance or new police station. They state they had to take money from reserves but the audit just stated over 5 MILLION in reserve funds. It has been said the casino money was being saved for a new police station....now they are saying they will borrow money for the Tyson plant and pay it back with casino funds. There goes the new police station. Do they think that 600 apartments and a new park isn't going to cause more work for all departments....plowing snow, paving, police, fire and ambulance, water leaks, and the list will go on and on. These folks need to quit all this happy crap with America coolest small town. Already noticed one restaurant tex mex is closed quite a bit....globe runs 5 dollar dinners to get people to come in. Not long before most of this comes crashing in and the taxpayer left to foot the bill. Why cant the town work with the county and do additional things at the park by the lions club it is a nice place we don't need another park. PEOPLE WAKE UP!!
    I saw the town manager explorer parked the other night on broad st--was she out drinking/eating/etc using the town car? I followed one all the way to Delmar one night. Gee gets his way as the council never votes against him. We lost Mrs. Lynch who would speak up...we need her back now to question all this spending. Are our priorites public safety or public parks? Have you ever been in the back of the police station....it is embarrassing as they have no room to work or no privacy....ever driven around back no place to park or secure their vehicles.
    Please come to these meetings and speak up!!

  2. .....you don't have a clue as to what you are speaking about.

  3. it sounds like 110 has done a lot of homework and 754 is mr purnell or mr Williams is mad because it is being made public

  4. The Town’s combined net position at June 30, 2014 was $31,066,000. Ofthis total, $21,930,000
    is invested in capital assets and $1,175,000 is restricted which leaves an unrestricted balance of $7,961,000.
    The Town’s net position increased $50,000 over last year

    I apologize that I was mistaken there is over 7 million in unrestricted funds


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