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Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Big Block of Cheese Day

President Barack Obama will call for free community college, improving access to broadband Internet and paid sick leave for workers when he addresses Congress tonight in his seventh State of the Union speech. 

Sure, you could watch it on TV. Even You Tube or Google Plus. But the White House is hoping you'll use its website, where it is rolling out what it calls "A River of Content." It says it will provide state-by-state and demographic data in real time. 

Tomorrow, White House officials will hold a daylong Q&A on social media. They're calling it the Big Block of Cheese Day.


  1. Hope the site crashes. More like "River of sewage"

  2. adding more debt that will never be able to be paid back. This drunken spending binge needs to stop.

  3. nothing will happen. period


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