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Sunday, January 18, 2015

County Executive Bob Culver Tours West Salisbury Elementary School

Salisbury, MD - Fulfilling the commitment he made at the December 2nd County Council meeting when the architectural design cost for a new West Salisbury Elementary School was removed from the Bond bill, Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver toured the school for the third time on Saturday, January 10th at 9:00 a.m. The purpose of the Saturday tour was to conduct a detailed assessment of the condition of the facility and the options for renovation.

In addition to West Salisbury Principal Melva Wright, accompanying Culver were Director of Administration, Wayne Strausburg and Assistant Director Sharon Morris from the Executive’s office; Ed Heatwole, Professional Engineer and a member of his transition team; Dr. John Frederickson, Superintendent of Wicomico County Public Schools; representatives and members of the Board of Education; community members with expertise in construction, electrical, roofing and building maintenance; community activist Mike Dunn; and Wicomico County Council President John Cannon and Council members Ernie Davis, John Hall, Joe Holloway and Marc Kilmer. Council member Larry Dodd and Council Vice-President and member of the Wicomico County Board of Education Building Commission Matt Holloway did not attend.

“I believe our tour was very informative and productive,” said Culver. “While we wait for final input from the experts, my sense is they believe that renovations are possible at a great cost savings to the taxpayers. One long term County employee commented that this was the first time in memory that a tour like this had been held and thought it was a great idea,” Culver added. “While I was very pleased to hear that, it seems like common sense to me that steps like this should be taken before the taxpayers are committed to building new schools.”

For more information, contact the Wicomico County Executive’s office at 410-548-4801.


  1. OMG, a long time county employee commenting on it being a good idea, as to imply this has not been done in the past, is disconcerting to say the least!

    Is a County Executive demonstrating common sense, with an approach towards maximizing the tax payer dollar a novel idea?

    Bob its looks as though you are going to continue to baffle and confuse with your approach; accountability and COMMON SENSE!
    There is no doubt the education establishment will be kept on the defensive if our County Executive continues to use such tactics. Go

  2. Fredericksen LIED once again to the public. That school was NOT in such disrepair that it could not be fixed. What Fredericksen did NOT tell all of you is that his plan was to enlarge that school FOUR TIMES LARGER then the current one.

    I have personally held very in depth conversations with commercial contractors who 100% agree that these schools can be remodeled and the savings are unbelievable. Mind you, they CAN be brought up to current standards and codes for less than 1/3 of what it costs to build a new school.

    The next time you Teachers want to get up in front of PAC 14 and LIE, know that the next time I will not only have pictures of you, I will call you out individually and express the LIES you are spewing to the public. And do you want to know how much that will garnish attention, well, just ask around and see who knows about our BOE articles and how well we're read. In fact, go ask Ocean City residents how well your salary post was read, let alone Wicomico County residents.

    Let's see what happens the next time Fredericksen tries to BULLY the Council again with a load of crap.

  3. Joe, you are very skilled at figuring out when someone is not being truthful. Not everyone has that knack. Some employees, parents and community members believe what they are told by those in positions of authority. They think they are being truthful when they stand up in public meetings and repeat "facts" that have been told to them. Please consider the possibility that they are not deliberately lying.

  4. It might be a good idea to ask the teachers and parents who gave them the "erroneous" information they quote at public meetings. Can't you figure it out?

  5. Joe, I went to that school in the 60's. The main building has not been touch since then, But there are plenty of mobile classroom on that particular property. Maybe those mobile building reduced that. However, those mobile building sure did take up playground space.

  6. I remember when Culver said he would do a tour like this. Darn, so far so good, he is following through. Keep it up.

  7. Go Culver!!!! Keep'em on the run and corral these spend crazies in a tight circle. We ALL want what's best for the kids in all schools......but not at the demise of everything we own.

  8. I am a teacher and I have construction experience. I have always said it would be beneficial to properly maintain the schools and upgrade as needed. The mindset of the board is that if we let it get terrible, it will be easier to fool people into believing a new school is the only answer. I am happy that our new Executive has the common sense AND the gonads to stand up to these bullies. It has been sorely lacking for a long time.

  9. 7:53PM it is called judgment. Before anyone repeats "facts" provided from those in the BOE, they may want to do a little research and fact checking, before allowing themselves to be used, if that is the proper description. Therefore, you become a part of the overall BOE propaganda machine.

  10. And let me see, Matt Holloway and Larry Dodd didn't attend this very important tour. What's the deal? Are they smarter or dumber than a 5th grader? Matt thinks he is better and Larry just can't attend anything unless he is going to benefit personally. I know the cycle is young but I hope someone will step up and take these dudes down at the next vote.

  11. 7:23PM and he is doing all of it on half the salary of Frederickson, amazing!

  12. 7:53, YOU are absolutely correct. HOWEVER, it's about time someone start calling out the TEACHERS who either have no knowledge on these matters and or do not STUDY like they expect their students to do each day.

    Look, I by no means dislike teachers. Just like I don't dislike Firefighters and Police Officers. I have stated since day one, it's about the LEADERSHIP. So, from here on out the Teachers that stand up spreading untrue information in order to encourage VOTERS and PARENTS into believing what they are saying is TRUE, we're calling them out from here on out.

    The Pollitt days are OVER. The an was flat out LAZY and knew NOTHING about BUSINESS. We've got enough fixing to do than to have to spend most of the time reeducating the public with the TRUTH.

    Today I had a conversation with someone who shared a company that is dedicated to solar panels on schools. ALL of the money that is SAVED on electricity is Paid Forward back to the BOE General Fund. INCREDIBLE! WHAT, accountability, REALLY!

    I spoke with another business person about replacement commercial windows. Mitsubishi HVAC systems that can be installed into every single classroom for very little money. New roofing systems that ca be retrofitted into old buildings that are so energy efficient. ALL of these calls started coming in after I put up my Board of Education Posts last week.
    Let me say this as well. ALL of the steel, bricks and mortar were installed to last HUNDREDS of years. NONE of it needs to come down. Back when these schools were built these masons were making $4.00 an hour. Now, $40.00+ per hour! The cost of bricks have skyrocketed since the 1960's. WHY TEAR IT DOWN?

    The main complaint was that there is no AC in the building. Each unit will cost around $2,500.00 each. DO THE MATH! Nah, Fredericksen would rather spend $10,000,000.00 on a new building and enlarge it four times. NO! That goes for tearing down the old Bennett Middle School as well. NO! Do NOT tear it down. Use it for something else in the County, like maybe relocate the Sheriff's Office there and other County services. If you weren't aware, it's going to cost $5,000,000.00 just to tear down that building and remove the debris. STUPID!

    Let me close with this. I agree with the other comment speaking about Bob fulfilling his promise. He put together a team and inspected the facility. From what I saw from the press release, he even brought in people who do NOT agree with Bob Culver. It's time the citizens let this man do his job.

    God Forbid he save YOU millions of dollars in the process while still delivering a safe and up to new code facility. You Go Bob!

  13. Let me add. To those of you trying to get racial comments through, you are now being spammed. That means you will NO LONGER be able to make comments on Salisbury News. Goodbye.

  14. This is just a wonderful report. Again; we have a new "leader" who will lead with a team spirit and not have an ego problem that won't allow him to bring in qualified people to help him make the best decision possible.

    This is so very refreshing. Thanks again Mr. Culver.

  15. You know, I don't know much about city govn't, I live in the county. But damn if Culver isn't being hands on big time. Those of you not doing your job,BEWARE. Now we need a President of the Country with the same intent and interest.

  16. Can't wait to see what gets said about this on Chuck Cooks facebook BS by him, Tracy Pollitt and the other whiners.

  17. So it appears that West Salisbury may be able to be renovated. Imagine that! What a novel idea to maintain and update schools rather than building a new one every couple of years. It is about time someone in County government used their head. Bob you are making those who have been in power look like the buffoons they truly are. Thought Strasberg was supposed to be a financial genius. He's looking not very bright too.

    Those portables house the CHOICES program (alternative school) I believe. So, I'm sure if Frederickson got his way with West Salisbury, a new CHOICES school would need to be rebuilt too. He needs to go before he bankrupts us all.

  18. For the money spent on Bennett we could have fixed half a dozen schools. Hope Bob keeps this up.

  19. Mike Dunn, community activist...please! The one who did more to try to shut up and intimidate the best grass roots community activist Salisbury has ever seen. I still remember when he said "send someone whose name isn't Debbie." Shameful man who knows no boundaries. He's planning on running for something, aa appointment, etc. he's turning up everywhere blowing his own horn, and taking credit for saving things that HE first killed.

  20. Unlike Pollitt, Culver isn't afraid of the opposition. For him to have Mike Dunn at the tour says a lot. While Dunn will probably say the building needs to be torn down (how can he not with his group of friends - does he have the courage to agree with Culver?), at least Culver made the attempt to involve others. Culver's brand of politics and leadership are long overdue in the county. Everyday it becomes increasingly clear that the naysayers are those who have abused the system. They have not had the best interest of the county and its citizens at heart. As others have said - Go Bob!

  21. Mike Dunn is a self-impressed clown glamorized by the likes of Bassett. Ignore him. My problem is with Matt Holloway. VP of the Council and sits on the WCBOE Building commission and can't make it to the tour. He certainly can whine like a momma's boy when things don't go his way. He needs to shut up and sit down for a while. Tired of his immature antics.

  22. I am hopeful that if they stop building overpriced schools on mud bogs, they will start concentrating on the classroom. Dr. Fredrickson needs to explain why we have dropped out of the top 5 school systems to number 19. And don't use the lame excuse that kids need new schools to learn. We can cite example after example where that just isn't so. I am hopeful that Culver can get Hogan to rescind the appointments to the BOE made by Owemalley and get some smart people on the Board and get rid of Whiney Willey and some others.

  23. Joe

    I heard this weekend that County Stadium is undergoing a renovation. Please tell me how this can occur whe we have a school in our county that can't evem get a track. ie Mardela. Talk about a waste of money.

    Do you have any info on this or can you dog into this further?

  24. 9:30, I had heard some work was being done there. The Stadium is owned by Wicomico County. In my honest opinion I am proud of the fact that FOR ONCE we are seeing one of our properties being MAINTAINED rather then falling apart like Fredericksen has allowed to happen to ALL schools in the County.

    Now, that is MY opinion on the matter. However, I'd like every one reading this to know that Mr. Bob Culver is not untouchable. He is a personable guy who truly WANTS to hear from each and every one of you.

    I have always said, "You can't fix something you are not aware of". Please, take the time to call Bob if you have a concern. You may not like the answer you get but one thing is for sure, you won't be LIED to from the Executives Office any more.

  25. Take a look at the lengthy document that is the WCBOE budget. Parents and others will be told countless "facts" about what our kids need and what it will cost. It is impossible to check every bit of it to see if lies, evasions and misleading statements have been told to us.

  26. 9:30, Allow me to add, the Shorebirds PAY a hefty lease to use that building. It is our responsibility to maintain it while the County is actually making money on it.

    Look at the buildings in Winter Place Park and what Pollitt/Mackes allowed to happen there.

  27. Winter Place Park buildings are home to the Wicomico Farm and Home Show each year. The carriage house is in such bad shape and needs to be repaired. Also there is no AC for the comfort of visitors and for the events that take place during the show. Also the Farm and Home show pays to rent that building each year and must clean it up before they can set up for the show. One more thing for Mr. Culver to look at when he has the time.


  28. Kudos to Mr. Culver for taking an in-person look at West Salisbury.

    1) A few years back North Salisbury and Prince Street schools were reconstructed with a combination of renovation and new construction. The cluster of portables that now house Choices served as temporary schools for the schools during the construction.

    2) One of the drivers of the 'edifice complex' IIRC is that the state provides a lot of money for new construction and that renovations don't qualify for very much help. So boards have a perverse incentive to build new as opposed to fixing and updating from their own local resources.

    3) Bennett Middle was neglected under this approach by several superintendents and boards going back at least a dozen years. WiMiddle recently had bricks repointed and new windows installed. BMS could have gotten the same update plus the A/C units Joe mentioned for massive savings.

    'Where there's a will, there's a way' was a saying my parents used frequently. Still hold true!

  29. Anonymous said...
    And let me see, Matt Holloway and Larry Dodd didn't attend this very important tour. What's the deal? Are they smarter or dumber than a 5th grader? Matt thinks he is better and Larry just can't attend anything unless he is going to benefit personally. I know the cycle is young but I hope someone will step up and take these dudes down at the next vote.

    January 11, 2015 at 8:14 PM

    What makes it a very important tour? Just because you said so. This tour is not a very important tour. The only thing important is the fact the County doesn't have money to waste on that school. What is important is the fact the school and all schools should have been maintained all along. How do you know that Matt thinks he is better? How do you know Larry doesn't attend anything unless it benefits him personally. You are the same low life who always makes the negative comments and you are jealous of someone. Since it was so important why didn't you attend? Since it was so important why don't you have the balls to sign your name! You are nothing but a low life STALKER. Before making accusations sign your name Jerk Off. Do you know the real reason they weren't there? People have lives and they certainly aren't paid to appease you. First of all not everyone follows your schedule and they certainly don't have to answer to you. Sign your name and then maybe you can run your mouth.

  30. Anonymous said...

    I heard this weekend that County Stadium is undergoing a renovation. Please tell me how this can occur whe we have a school in our county that can't evem get a track. ie Mardela. Talk about a waste of money.

    Do you have any info on this or can you dog into this further?

    January 11, 2015 at 9:30 PM

    A new track at Mardela isn't needed. When did a track become a major function of a childs education.

    The Shorebirds Stadium is under contract and it generates much needed revenue in the County. Mardela costs us to much money and maybe Mardela should be combined with WiHi. If you want a tract then maybe we can transfer you to WiHi. Case Closed.

  31. When you think you are saving lots of money by running your older employees out, think again. Our school system's ranking has gone from being 5th to 19th. As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for. Older teachers have seen many education reforms come and go, what works and what is a waste of money. They have the experience to enable them to pull the"tricks" out of their sleeves, to help the struggling student. When your teaching force is cheap (75% have less than 15 years experience) you get what you pay for. As far as being cheap, not really, remember young people do like to start families.
    You also have to train (program) them on common core and how to test, test, test.

  32. What are the ages of the Wicomico County schools? And what are the conditions of the other older schools such as Pinehurst, Pemberton, etc.?

  33. January 11, 2015 at 8:14 PM

    Did you miss the story through your hatred for these people. It was Mr. Culver's tour not the County Council's tour. Mr. Culver is the one that cut the bond bill and promised to tour the building. So sorry it didn't meet your approval that 2 council members didn't attend a tour. I don't think it was a requirement for them to make sure they took time away from their families to be their just because you don't like them. They probably don't like you either because you are just a weak coward hiding behind a computer screen.

  34. 338: compare graduation rates and test scores wi hi vs mardela. Mardela has the best graduation rate in the county at 90.48 %. Wi hi grad rate is 75 %. My son is more than happy to stay at Mardela with out a track. Case closed! We just want to have the same opportunities as the 3 city schools.

  35. Hats off to you Mr. Culver for all that you are doing.

  36. Correct me if I'm wrong, when Rick Pollitt was trying to get the entire roof of the civic center replaced, Joe Holloway had a contractor come to inspect and it was determined that the roof was not in need of an entire replacement and was fixed at minimal cost? This is the waste voters decided to replace in the last election. Remember the Alamo cowboys!

  37. When will he inspect Beaver Run. I want to be there for that one!!

  38. There is a big difference in the people having issues with Bob Culver than those supporting Rick here, we gave Rick 8 years to show us what he knew and he just didn't cut the mustard.

    Those bashing Bob Culver are those that don't want to let go of their fraudulent perks!! Hit the road Jack!

    Bob has been in there just over a month and you are going to grade Culver's one month against Pollitt's 8 year career bureaucratic ideals? Pollitt's tenure in Fruitland sells Rick as solely a career bureaucrat, what else does he know how to do?

    A good leader is hands on and builds a relationship with employees to motivate them to do their best. A career bureaucrat builds a bloated government with assistants to the assistants and drives a wedge between executive and rank and file employees. Not a good environment to work.


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