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Sunday, January 18, 2015


I'm in complete SHOCK!

Ladies & Gentlemen, Mayor Jim Ireton didn't even show up. In fact, his representative Jake Day showed up late to the meeting. 

John Cannon was present, Wayne Strausburg, Dave Ryan from SWED, people from unemployment, a representative from Mikulski's office, (I didn't get her name as the audio was not good at all times) I did hear her say something about her being present when Barbara found out and she was very upset. Labinal had their General Manager there.

Ladies & Gentlemen, today's meeting was NOT about salvaging Labinal in Salisbury. It was about damage control and what everyone was going to do to retrain these employees and how they might possibly find another company that could utilize that facility and their trained employees.

In other words, they/we/you are screwed. I firmly believe Ireton being a no show and the letter that he sent out while the meeting was going on, knew there was nothing left to salvage. Man, I just can't stand Liberal politicians. 

This is not good at all. The Daily Times was a no show and will once again RELY on whatever they are TOLD by someone that was there. OR they'll read what I have and run with it. 


  1. Bay Country Meals has closed it was announced today. That was a company run by Strasberg before he became Wicomico County Director of Administration. THIS is who we are putting our faith in? Come on Culver, throw the bum out and get your own team in there.

  2. Funny how the Mayor ACTS like he knew nothing but knew enough not to go to today's meeting. Yeah, he's like Shultz on Hogan's Hero's. I KNOW NOTHINK

  3. Love your sarcasm - "I'm in complete shock". That bunch of do-nothings couldn't find their way out of a paper bag let alone deal with this.

  4. The city / county will take another hit from a company leaving.

    What's left?
    PRMC - they just had a purge!
    SU - they're on a hiring freeze!
    Perdue - had a purge a few years ago and nobody wants to go work for them from here.

    Thanks Marty, Ricky, Jimmy (Babs, you didn't help either - too little, too late)....glad we got rid of two out of three of you clowns!

  5. I guess not being prompt for meetings is another reason Jake was a failure as an officer. The military is hot death on being on time.

  6. I just cancelled my subscription to the daily rag.

  7. 3:49 what took you so long?

  8. its not just Wicomico county, its the state. Owemalley did everything he could to run business away

  9. Joe, I have lived here my entire life, and you want to know my honest opinion.

    Mikulski, Ireton, Beacon/Diriker/Eschbach, Dave Ryan, all of them know full well that they are deep into malarkey.
    Let's get one thing straight - before SBYnews came on the scene most everyone around here was walking in the dark.

    These politicians can run - but they can't hide from the facts that have been put forth to the voters. Everyone is TOAST!!! You watch and see, Norman Conway was the POSTERBOY of what is to come for them. I repeat - they are TOAST. And I am a die-hard Democrat that voted mostly republican the last go round. Now what does that tell you.


  10. Is the city council president no longer serving in uniform?

    If so, hope the reason is less serious than Biden's son's truncated military career.

    Re: The meeting. By the time a corporation has rolled out a closure notice the die has been cast.

  11. I can tell you why they are moving. IT WAS THE RAIN TAX.

    Impervious surface runoff tax was the last straw to break the camels back.

    I honestly can't say I blame them for moving.

  12. Mayor = Total failure.

  13. 3:49 what took you so long?
    folks it's called pack up an leave, maryland sucks for business and taxpayers!

  14. Jake Day is late for literally EVERYTHING and never knows what is going on. I've worked with him (or at least tried) on a couple project and he has 25% knowledge on everything.

    Most frustrating man to deal with.

  15. 4:04
    Honestly their stormwater tax is minimal compared to the other absurd taxes. I bet that it's the smallest tax they pay by far.

  16. Hey mayor you are the biggest loser in salisbury and the. Biggest Asswipe too.

  17. 4:23, you are so right. Talks out of both sides of his mouth too. Leadership for Salisbury sucks.

  18. Many of the employees have known about this for a long time. They get a better severance pkg if they stick around

    It's amazing that this is just getting out

  19. I really don't know why they even had a meeting. Was someone dumb enough to think the company would change their mind? Was someone dumb enough to think the rest of us don't know how bad this is on those losing their jobs? What a waste of time. a "meeting".....has a charming little ring to it doesn't it. Plant closed, spend the next year trying to a. help find them jobs and b. bring in a replacement company and keep the stupid local tv away from the story. Just another spin in the dust of the economic system that we now have. Gay mayors, absentee elected representatives, publicity seeking tv crews (notice how hyper Corrina Pysa gets nowdays?), and the self appointed "important" people cannot stop the inevitable.

  20. Check the bars for Jimbo - sure that if they held a meeting in a local watering hole he would be there...way to go...thanks for supporting us...

  21. Day is an over educated but incompetent moron.

  22. Wasn't anyone from the local "House of Lords" -- the Greater Salisbury Committee -- present to whine and bemoan things????

  23. 5:36 --

    Jimmy boy will be at Brad's place at that old firehouse -- paid for by the taxpayers.

  24. This was a Chamber of Commerce meeting. Folks commenting on here appear to believe it was a city council meeting.

  25. Buy Jim a drink at headquarters live and throw it in his face...

  26. Fire the chamber of commerce.

  27. "In fact, his representative Jake Day showed up late to the meeting."

    Guess he can't afford any more speeding tickets.

  28. Why is anyone suprised? Mayor homo is worthless.

  29. Jimmy da Mayor and Brad G are both arrogant....

  30. You are really not prepared for this world if you think that elected officials give a crap about you or your problems. Brace yourself for more and more closures....

  31. Perdue will be gone from Salisbury in less than 10 years. There is no doubt chicken production will move to China with lax environmental regulations, cheaper labor and land to exploit.

    There is no way they can possibly be competitive in Maryland.

  32. Labinal (Safran) is headquartered in France! The decision to vacate came from there NOT here...this manager is only taking orders and trying to save his job. No doubt the decision was made some time ago and we are just hearing about it. So blame who you want but it boils down to foreign countries controlling these businesses...DO SOME RESEARCH! There was nothing a small town mayor could do.

  33. So if Jake Day runs for Mayor is Jim Ireton going to run for council?

  34. 8:24 sadly, I believe it. It could be less time than that.

  35. You all should listen to the last post.
    this decision was made 6years ago in a Labinal board room in Texas. They wanted a successful business run by the best business man this town had ever seen and probably will ever see and they turned it into a shitfest just so they could move with the excuse that they can survive here. Anyone that worked at HCM knows that he grew that business EVERY YEAR under his guidence.

  36. It looks by the pictures I've seen it was a SWED meeting. That Ryan was sitting at head of table.

  37. This was merely a political damage control and CYA meeting. They all were trying to come up with a plausible deniablity excuse for 'not knowing' anything. Opps not knowing anything about this for they all 'know nothink'!

  38. I dealt with Ryan many years ago. And the result has always been the same. Just what has he accomplished in his position? Looks to me like things have only gotten worse. But he has a nice cushy job!

  39. It's one thing to operate a part of a larger company with true expertise and profitability and to grow it every year, and quite another for the State and Local Governments to rob that leg of the company of those profits.

    That's when that leg grows a foot and walks to another State or municipality.

    Poland laughed at Jimbo's "Rain Tax".

  40. Our town could NOT have elected any more immature, irresponsible leaders! For SHAME!

  41. To 4:25 Poster - Rain Tax

    It was a culmination of all of the other taxes, but think about it, a Rain Tax? Or how about the flush tax, Labinal got hit with that one to as it even applied to municipal sewer/water systems. And even the piggy-back tax (now 3.2%) you think Labinal didn't recognize the economic disadvantages of staying in MD. The CEO's back in Texas aren't imbeciles.

    It was the culmination of all of these taxes that 'suffocated the entrepreneurial flames'

  42. can someone explain what SWED does and what Greater Salisbury Committee does? There are negative comments about both. Are either of any value? Sounds like Ryan isn't a good leader? Facts please.

  43. Let's not forget to where the company is moving. Texas is a stronghold for military spending, has a superior state (and probably local and regional)tax structure in regard to business and production, has a huge influx of ready-to-train workers who will work for less money and fewer benefits, has lower physical plant operating costs than the Northeast or Atlantic Seaboard, and already has a presence there for consolidation of effort savings.
    Maryland, as a state, needs to pull its head from down below and look at how little vs. how much it can levy from business. The history says that it's always too much, and when one business fails or leaves, the taxation is readjusted to make up for the revenue loss, which puts an unfair tax burden on the remaining businesses. Local taxes have very little to do with the larger picture, as do local politics.
    Maryland has become a severely bloated tax and spend state. Perhaps people with the ability to change that will change it, as Mr. Hogan and others take the stage at the state level.

  44. Question:

    What exactly do the commenters here think or believe that city and county government could do to keep this factory in Salisbury?

  45. 9:29 hahahahah - my point exactly., hence my post yesterday. Just a stupid waste of time. jerks

  46. "What exactly do the commenters here think or believe that city and county government could do to keep this factory in Salisbury?"

    Come on. Specifically, no one unacquainted with the details can truly say. However, moving a manufacturing plant is not an inexpensive proposition. Businesses do not arbitrarily re-locate. How about a little pro-active leadership encouraging them to remain local before they look at other options? How about working with them to make the SBY environment more attractive than their proposed new location? Constantly being in react mode is not a recipe for success.

  47. Why would anyone listen to anything that fool Dirker has to say,he is an academic who probably never ran a lemonaid stand.

  48. It's not the mayor's responsibility

  49. 8:24
    Do you really believe that?
    Is that what you want to happen?

  50. 3:42
    Nobody wants to work for Perdue?
    You might want to ask the HR department how many applications they get every week.
    Perdue also brings very highly paid executives to this area that spend their money locally.

  51. There's no need to fear...Jim Mathias will help you!

  52. Money talks and I am glad the city didn't offer some "deal" that was going to waste more of my taxes. I have been and will be displeased at the continued lack of professionalism shown by the mayor and council not surprised either

  53. 12:12 -- Some mfg. plants are costly to relocate, but Labinal can easily ship its equipment elsewhere. And whatever it may cost is weighed against the cost of staying here, which is huge and increasing at an increasing rate compared to Texas.

  54. If it's true that a foreign company owns Labinal the question the elected local officials need to ask the elected federal officials is why in the hell is a foreign company getting government money.

  55. You people are fools......a PRIVATE company has the right to move were it chooses......no small town politco is going to stop it.....when will you folks wake up and realize its way to late to save the SHORE. ......

  56. Brace yourself Mcdonalds,here they come!


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