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Friday, January 09, 2015


Paris police are responding to dual hostage situations: one at a kosher market in eastern Paris where five hostages were being held by a gunman, and a second at a printing facility about 25 miles from the city where the suspects in the Charlie Hebdo magazine attack are surrounded by police.



  1. This is so sad. I don't have a good feeling for these hostages at all.
    The brothers who shot up the magazine office are suddenly saying now that they are cornered and also have at least one hostage that they want to die martyrs.
    If they wanted to die as what they perceive to be martyrs they would have worn suicide vests into the magazine office and killed themselves along with the innocent people. But no they fled and only when cornered suddenly want to be martyrs.

  2. Are the freedoms that everyone has been preaching about allowed in the afterlife? "Free will" is certainly not acceptable on earth by humans as it is in the Bible,because an entire population is being criticized by the Christian world.Intentionally poor choices that we make while we are alive are dealt with after we die,but Biblically allowed while we are living.

  3. We're not hearing much about the terror group Boko Haram and their takeover of African counties insisting everyone convert to islam. In the past several days they have become very aggressive and brutal.
    They are the group that kidnapped the 200 Nigerian school girls.
    Surely they were kidnapped to become baby machines for future jihadists.


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