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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Al Sharpton Calls For Emergency Meeting To Address 'Appalling' All-White Oscar Nominees

The Rev. Al Sharpton was left fuming mad after the Oscars revealed its all-white list of nominees for this year's Oscar awards on Thursday.

"The movie industry is like the Rocky Mountains, the higher you get, the whiter it gets," Sharpton quipped in a statement released later in the afternoon.

Sharpton, a critic of the lack of diversity in Hollywood, also announced he was holding an "emergency meeting" next week to address the issue.

"I have called an emergency meeting early next week in Hollywood with the task force to discuss possible action around the Academy Awards," he said.



  1. Sharpton is and has always been an idiot

  2. An emergency meeting with whom? Here he goes starting more racial strife.

    1. With whom? The POTUS, obviously.

  3. he wants it like affirmative action in the workplace. minorities with no skills,no talent what so ever, doesn't want and doesnt deserve a job or to get promoted but gets promotion or awards anyway based on race not skills,drive or work ethic .just a quota of minorities.loosers that get the job ,promotion, or award and deserve nothing.

  4. I can see it now the reverend al holding a one man demonstration at the corner of hollywood and vine

  5. Perhaps his time would be better spent paying his taxes so those on welfare can be supported.

  6. The meeting is with the IRS!

  7. Something else for our gubmint to stick itself into.
    Enough already.

  8. get over yourself Al.

  9. Obama says the IRS is broke. It would be less 'broke' by $4.7 million if the good Rev. would pay his taxes.

  10. Affirmative Action needed to get him to pay the IRS for his tax fraud.

  11. The comment I would like to post you would not print because of the words I would use. So I guess I have "no comment"

  12. Of course these awards are earned based on your ethnicity.

  13. The only reason he is getting away with extortion is his race. The Lawyers are not suing him or criminal charges not filed against him because of his race. Where is the Attorney General? If he was White they would be all over this like white on rice.

  14. He's looking for guilt money from those dumb ass libtards over there.

  15. Of course he would. That's what he does.

  16. Now expect those who win the awards to express their political views on stage.

  17. 2 out of 20 years this has happened?

    Hey AL, why don't you look into the racial diversity of the NBA too, or the NFL... What?

  18. They have the Black Entertainment awards already, why do we need them included in our awards?

  19. We are having a meeting in Willards Monday I really wish Al would attend. lol

  20. Next he will sue the Weather Channel because there are no black snowflakes. Geez.

  21. I guess I can't win when talent is the bar...

  22. What a useless racist idiot. Our next A.G.?


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