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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

When It Comes To Day Care, Parents Want All Children Vaccinated

There's been a lot of attention drawn to people who don't believe in vaccinating their children, but there are many more who believe that vaccines are the best way to protect children from contagious disease. A recent poll shows just how concerned parents are about vaccines when it comes to putting their children in day care.

According to a poll conducted by the C.S. Mott Children's Hospital National Poll on Children's Health, 81 percent of parents say they believe all children in day care should be required to be up to date on vaccines. In fact, 41 percent said children who aren't up to date should be kept out of day care.

Furthermore, 70 percent of parents said they would take their children out of a child care facility where one quarter of the children were not fully vaccinated.



  1. more rules and regulations by our government

  2. If you don't vaccinate your child, you are putting everyone else at risk. There is also NO REASON not to vaccinate them!

  3. The problem is though, that the contagious diseases that are a problem we don't vaccinate for anyway because no such vaccine exists for them.
    A lot of what we do vaccinate for was eradicated only to be brought back in again by immigrants and is a different strain, rendering the vaccine useless.
    In CA they have a breakout of whooping cough and a large percentage of the children who got it, were up to date on the vaccine.

  4. What's a parent to do these days? Who do you truly believe? Maybe at one time the vaccinations were really needed and done for the right reasons. I and my son are living proof some of the vaccines along the way were issued for the wrong reasons or somebody's hidden agenda. Done over again I would decline.

  5. reasonable people can and will disagree with getting vaccinations just because "the government" and the "CDC" says they are necessary and safe.

    think about that for just a moment. do you know how many vaccinations were deemed safe and necessary and then we realized, only too late, that these vaccinations really aren't working well or were actually harmful and dangerous to us or our children?

    this is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly. there are actually many ways we can help ourselves by eating healthy and using supplements, herbs, essential oils, etc. there are wonderful "alternative" options available today and we should educate ourselves and avail ourselves to all available.

    doctors are even looking and using these alternatives in their practices. John's Hopkins just released a statement a couple of weeks ago stating, "the current flu shot for this year is not working as it should and we may not need it at all".

    just consider other venues for health instead of accepting everything your doctor tells you. he is NOT God and should not be the last word in all cases. they only know what comes to them from the "government and the CDC". not all of which is true or for your benefit. read history to ferret this out for yourself.

    I'm NOT saying never get a vaccination; I am saying don't be deceived or easily led without doing your homework.

  6. To 10:19, no, reasonable people don't disagree about vaccinations. There is absolutely no evidence that vaccines are unsafe outside of a few minor or very rare instances. The idea that you think some are "harmful and dangerous" indicates that you either don't know the facts about vaccines or are not being reasonable in your interpretation of these facts.

    Vaccines are safe. They have dramatically reduced the incidence of deadly diseases over the past century. Those are indisputable facts.

  7. 10:19
    People have been doing their homework for a long time now. That's why we have vaccines, and why schools mandate them. Homework is done, we got an A.

    You want to put your hands in God? Go back to 1943 and contract polio. Enjoy God's Will.

  8. 11:04 and 11:40, please update your education. in addition, I stated Clearly, "I'm NOT saying never get a vaccination; I am saying don't be deceived or easily led without doing your homework."

    Don't blame God for man's stupidity and ignorance. We make choices daily that can harm us, but that's NOT Gods fault.

  9. 1:01
    You're right. It would be YOUR fault for being dumb. God has nothing to do with it. And if he did, well what a jerk!


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