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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Md. Constitution Bans Atheists From Public Service

WASHINGTON -- Americans hold religious freedom dear, no matter their beliefs.

And the concept is right in the Maryland Constitution in black and white: "... all persons are equally entitled to protection in their religious liberty." But there's a bit more to it.

Go to articles 36 and 37 in the state of Maryland's Constitution and you'll see that, if you want to hold office, or even serve as a juror or witness in the Free State, you'll have to make "a declaration of belief in the existence of God." If you don't share that belief, you could be seen as "incompetent" to serve.

So if an atheist in Maryland is called to jury duty, he's off the hook, right?

Not so fast.



  1. If a constitutional convention is held, a number of other issues will be brought up....most of which the representatives do not want changed.....

  2. this is how our founding fathers believed and it really shows they were very wise. Wisdom comes from God. the Bible has all the wisdom we need for life. Noah Webster (Webster's Dictionary) said there is NO wisdom without God. so who would want someone in our leadership who was not wise, without wisdom, stupid?

    unfortunately, we have some in these offices already. not sure they are godless, but they are definitely not very bright. I think this is obvious the most people.

    I prefer someone who doesn't think too much of himself that he is Above God himself. someone who will ask God for divine wisdom and will get godly wisdom from others before making a decision.

  3. 10:27 What founding fathers were alive in 1867 when this was ADDED to Maryland's constitution?

  4. 12:14 Don't bother, you can see he's a whack cake.


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