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Sunday, December 21, 2014

We've decided not to move forward: Sony CANCELS the release of The Interview after the majority of theaters chose not to show it

The federal government confirmed on Wednesday that North Korea was behind the massive hack that saw the release of thousands of internal emails from Sony over the past two weeks.

This as Sony Pictures Entertainment pulled the planned Christmas Day release of The Interview after hackers threatened 9/11-like terror attacks on cinemas showing its North Korea comedy.

What's more, the film may never be released at all.

'Sony Pictures has no further release plans for the film,' said a spokesperson for the studio Wednesday evening.

This despite the fact that the film cost $42million to make and tens of millions to market.

Almost immediately, many in Hollywood voiced their concern, with writer Aaron Sorkin saying how upset he was that 'the U.S. succumbed to an unprecedented attack on our most cherished, bedrock principle of free speech by a group of North Korean terrorists,' and director Judd Apatow explaining the many problems this means for films moving forward.



  1. What a bunch of pussys where does it end.

  2. A local government agency has received several bomb threats over the last 10 or so years.The same person received the threats each time & each time opted not to convey the information provided by the caller.That may sound shocking,but each and every threat made was unfounded and no one was the wiser.N Korea may be harder to ignore,but if it was ignored chances are we would be none the wiser.

  3. Did we stop flying after 9/11?
    I can't believe they are pulling this movie because of a terror threat. That is weak.
    Come on Sony grow a pair!

  4. That whirring noise that you hear is the collective sound of courageous, heroic patriots that bravely fought and died in the Korean Conflict, spinning in their graves.
    Just when I thought that I could not be less proud to be an American, something like this comes along.
    Five years ago - and for my entire life prior to that - I would defend and speak of our nation as being the greatest country in the world.
    I can no longer do that.
    My god how things have deteriorated so quickly.

  5. I agree with Sony.
    As a matter of fact, I agree SO much that I personally promise to refrain from ever buying any Sony products again, just to make sure I don't aggravate the dictator of North Korea.
    I hope that pleases the Supreme Leader. Certainly don't want to piss him off.

  6. This is America's first cyberwar loss... and to North Korea!

    Obama should be proud! We have to be kind and considerate to terrorists and Communists!

  7. That's because they know the President doesn't have their back..... think about it with past presidents you knew they wouldn't be pushed around and would protect..... not so with current

  8. Um funny they can trace the emails in this case but not the missing IRS emails??remember if a politicans mouth is moving they are lying.....its just another distraction as they continue to slowly slide the finicial rug from under our feet and robbing us blind...you all better be paying attention to the real problem? $$$$$$$... banks ...FED..the real evil facing us....

  9. Since when do we back down to terrorist? Especially when they are telling us we can't utilize our own constitution? We already are the worlds laughing stock. Now we are week punks.

  10. 10:19 Actually we did for 3 days. Except for the Saudi private planes that Bush rushed out of the country.


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