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Sunday, December 21, 2014

BOOM. Cop Launches His Own T-Shirt in Response to the “I Can’t Breathe” Rioters

Jason Barthel is a cop as well as an entrepreneur. He’s the owner of South Bend Uniform, an apparel company.

The South Bend, Mich. police officer got tired of the “I Can’t Breathe” T-shirt craze, so he decided to combine his two professions. Now, Officer Barthel’s rejoinder has gone viral.

Athletes across the nation have recently taken to making sartorial statements with the “I Can’t Breathe” T-shirts, including Kobe Bryant and the entire Phoenix Suns team.

One of the most recent cases of athlete apparel awareness was the University of Notre Dame’s women’s basketball team, who wore the shirts during warm-up.



  1. About time someone had balz i am still in America right? To have an opinion.

  2. Love it, love it, love it. Awesome

  3. Great shirt! Not a fan of the Facebook pop out. I'm not a member...

  4. Pants on the ground thugs on the ground.

  5. Tells the truth too!

  6. Pants Up Don't Loot

  7. A man was suffocated and your happy about it?

    Seek help.

    1. I believe the word would be murdered. However, the bottom verse is correct. The less contact we all have with the new Storm Troopers in our midst the better off we will be.

  8. 2:46 Here's a hint for you... if you can say "I can't breathe" out loud... you can breathe.

  9. Excellent point 8:11!!! and if you follow the instructions given and don't be an a** you'd be fine!! Don't break the law and you won't have any contact with the cops...it doesn't take a degree to figure that out...I want one of those shirts...excellent FACT they state!!

  10. ridiculous. cops do your job the correct way and NO tee shirts would be necessary

  11. 9:28 the correct way was done. It's called escalation of force. Look it up IDIOT!


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