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Sunday, December 14, 2014

WBOC Says "OH SHIT" On The Air This Morning

A Viewer said someone messed up this morning as they were going into a break and said, "Oh Shit" on the air. Did any of you hear it?


  1. Oh shit where being downsized.

  2. Nobody heard it because nobody watches it.

  3. Nope didn't hear that but when the 2nd plane hit the WTC on 9/11, which was filmed live, I heard the Fox News anchor say "Holy Shit." It's since been edited out when replayed.

    1. If you want to see a real edit/cover up, watch the current version of the WACO video as they poked those armored tank barrels under the eaves of the building shot in liquid that would be engulfed in flames before they were finished with the next flow of propellant. They did this all the way around the building, knowing there were mostly women and helpless children inside. This burning to death of Americans was to set the standard for which other government agencies could build on when they decide to intentionally kill the innocent. And Janet Reno, the lesbian mouth piece for Bill Clinton came on TV and said, The Buck Stops Here. That part of the video no longer exists in TV land. And who replaces Janet and Bill? BlackBarry and Billlary. And this short reminder of fact, is but the tip of the corrupt iceberg going on daily in the United States of once America.

  4. I was told the atheists were upset because "holy shit" was used as opposed to just "shit" so it was decided to remove the whole quote.

  5. i don't watch WBOCrap

  6. I don't live in Dover, NY or DC... so I don't get WBOC.


  7. As John Prine recommended, I blew up my TV and threw away my papers.

  8. I'm glad I didn't hear it.My virgin ears couldn't have handled it.

  9. If a man says "Sh!t!" on air, but nobody is watching, does he really make a swear?

  10. That seems to be an accurate assessment of the WBOC operation as a whole. Since Lisa Spicer was let go at the behest of Steve Hammond,(she was deemed to be TOO FAT) the quality and character of that operation has deteriorated until its not worthwhile to spend the time watching it. Furthermore, I really don't give a "shit" what happens in Dover Del. or other parts of Sussex County. Bob Aswell

  11. Right on Bob Aswell

  12. Does anyone have anything nice to say anymore? WBOC is the best news source in our area for those that don't have internet access or fancy phones.

    1. I would sooner rely on smoke signals

  13. Bob Aswell said...
    That seems to be an accurate assessment of the WBOC operation as a whole. Since Lisa Spicer was let go at the behest of Steve Hammond,(she was deemed to be TOO FAT) the quality and character of that operation has deteriorated until its not worthwhile to spend the time watching it. Furthermore, I really don't give a "shit" what happens in Dover Del. or other parts of Sussex County. Bob Aswell

    December 12, 2014 at 3:27 PM

    Too fat? Have you seen his chubby cheeks lately? Have you seen his wife?


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