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Sunday, December 14, 2014

SPD Press Release 12-12-14 (Robbery Investigation/Arrests) 2 of 3


  1. Yes Jim Liareton and Jakey Day!! Crime is really down in Salisbury because of your efforts!! Not!! LMAO you bunch of losers lying and stealing from the public all the time.

  2. Who are and where are these kids' parents?
    Who brought up these children that beat up and rob elderly people as though doing so was some badge of honor?
    Salisbury's District One council representative needs to step up and make a public stand against this bulls41t that makes Salisbury smell like the unwashed armpit of the Eastern Shore. If she can't make a difference in her community with "her people", she needs to be replaced with somebody who can do the job.

  3. 7:59 AM

    Good comment!
    It's about time we laid some responsibility for this at the feet of Shanie Shields, District One's council representative. In the almost 12 years she's been on council she's NEVER said a WORD in public about the criminals in her district, or what she's doing about it, which leaves us with the obvious impression that she's doing exactly NOTHING!
    This is totally unacceptable!

  4. After the mayor reads these comments he'll write something up that Shields can read aloud on camera to make her seem like she's on top of the situation.

  5. When these kids come to court, I want the public to know who and where their fathers are.

  6. Shanie's grand-daughter got her car towed by the sheriffs office the other night. Shanie showed up in an attempt to save-the-day, but the car went to impound anyways.

  7. Shanie's all about affordable (i.e. government subsidized) housing. Salisbury already has much, much more than its share of Section 8 housing, making it a magnet for people from elsewhere to come and collect other welfare benefits.
    With ECI just down the road, families of prisoners relocate here from Baltimore(on the public dime) and some of their kids are the ones we see creating havoc on our streets, putting fear in us all for our property and lives, and making businesses pass up whatever other opportunities Salisbury can offer.
    Gang leaders have seen the opportunities that Salisbury presents, and have created a stronghold here, rife with drugs, prostitution and violence, pulling our children into a life of crime with promises of a "family" that they are missing because of poor or absent parenting.

    Last year the county issued a commissioned report (the SAGE Report) that in twenty pages said within it in not fewer than a dozen places that public housing was the WORST thing a county or municipality could do if it wanted economic success. The county hasn't created more subsidized housing, but the city continues to, with Shanie Shields as its biggest cheerleader.
    Yet Shields continues to be proud that she is a "landlord representative", supporting outrageous rental prices, turning a blind eye to the destruction of well-established residential neighborhoods and standing in the way of any rental regulations that could suppress crime.
    Yes, Shields needs to accept some accountability, as does the local NAACP. Neither step up to the plate to better our community in any appreciable way, preferring, it seems, to taking the easy way out by doing little but loudly complaining to a small audience.

  8. This is no ones fault but the suspected. There is no law that can be passed nor person elected or hired that can stop a person from committing a crime. You'd need pre-crime thought police.

  9. 10:27 AM

    Then you believe that there are no precursors to criminal behavior, like poor parenting, poverty, lack of education, mental health issues, etc?

  10. It won't be long and one of these little thugs with a fake gun is going to pick the wrong person to rob and is going to be killed by a REAL gun. Baby momma's will be in the streets crying and protesting. Even Vegas wouldn't play those odds, it will happen, mark my words.

  11. 10:50

    You're probably right.
    Then it's time for the potential victims, all of us, to say that when the perp's body hits the pavement it's on them, not the community, not the police, not the person defending him or herself from personal harm.

    No martyrs will be created, no poems written to memorialize the life or death of this person who made the conscious decision to take from others, to violate others bodies, to act without thought of consequence.

  12. Shanie shield your next welfare queen
    Say hi to laura MitcHELL.

  13. IF those thuga did that to my grandfather there would be hell to pay in this Town.

  14. IF those thuga did that to my grandfather there would be hell to pay in this Town.

    December 12, 2014 at 3:21 PM

    It's going to be your grandfather if you do nothing now.

  15. Lets get our college town back...LANDLORDS stop renting to thugs !


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