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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Thomas Sowell: Who's Responsible?

The cold-blooded murder of two New York City policemen as they sat in their car is not only an outrage but also a wake-up call. It shows, in the most painful way, the high cost of having demagogues, politicians, mobs and the media constantly taking cheap shots at the police.

Those cheap shots are in fact very expensive shots, not only to the police themselves but to the whole society. Someone once said that civilization is a thin crust over a volcano. The police are part of that thin crust. We have seen before our own eyes, first in Ferguson, Missouri and then in other communities, what happens when there is just a small crack in that crust, and barbarism and arson burst out.

That can happen anywhere. So can what happened in New York. "Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

It is a painful irony that, on the eve of the murders of these two police officers in New York, some of the city's police were already saying that, in the event of their deaths, they did not want Mayor Bill de Blasio to attend their funerals.

We can only hope that Mayor de Blasio has some residual decency, so that he will not defile these two officers' memorial services with his presence. No politician in the country has done more to play the race card against the police and spread the notion that cops are the big problem in minority communities.



  1. "It shows, in the most painful way, the high cost of having demagogues, politicians, mobs and the media constantly taking cheap shots at the police."

    I totally agree but you forgot to mention blogs are also guilty.

  2. Amen , a black man with some sense.

  3. Your belief system is easy.... You either believe in PEACE or violence. I wish you PEACE. How can we work for PEACE?????? Start by listening to peaceful people. Look for the past experience from the people you are listening to. Are they people who stir peace or violence with their words. Where violence remains ...peace cannot enter in. Choose your own world carefully.

    1. I have yet in my 66 years of life seen a single bully break down in little crocodile tears of compassion when he is confronted by humble, well meaning beings. He sees them as weak, ineffective, piss ants of peace. The only respect he will give, will be to experience, even more violence on his person than he is giving. The threat of his death only marks time, extermination is the key, not tolerance. Peace my ass!

  4. It's funny how Facebook can refuse posts about Jesus or Christianity stating that they are considered "offensive" but yet they allow posts that call for violence.

  5. Decisions can only be made through one of two methods; through love or fear.

    Think about it.


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