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Monday, December 22, 2014

St. Louis Prosecutor Says Witnesses Lied Under Oath

Some witnesses speaking under oath before a grand jury investigating the shooting death of an unarmed black teen by a white officer told lies, St. Louis Prosecutor Robert McCulloch said Friday.

“Clearly some were not telling the truth,” he said in an interview on KTRS 550.

This was the first interview McCulloch has given since the grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

“Early on I decided that anyone who claimed to have witnessed anything would be presented to the grand jury,” McCulloch said. He added that he would've been criticized no matter his decision.

In the interview, McCulloch spoke about a particular witness who “clearly wasn’t present” at the time of the shooting. He said the witness recounted a story out of the newspaper.

There's more here..


  1. so have they been charged???

  2. What! Charge someone for lying to a grand jury in the Ferguson case' are you nuts that would just give them a reason to riot again! Don't dare enforce the law against any of them, that might be racist to do so! (sic) Obama is working overtime to get a reason to declare marshall law, a race war is perfect, so he can become sole dictator!

  3. Enforce the law, period.

  4. Is he trying to say the witnesses lied because he want the grand jury to convict an innocent cop for doing his job?

  5. if that is so, then why are all the witnesses being found dead in a ditch??????

  6. 3:07--
    That would be the ones who were brave enough to step forward with the truth about what happened. 2 thus far as far as I know.

  7. That's why there was a Grand Jury... to not waste the courts' time and vet out the liars and get a truth to what happened compared to the physical evidence.

    Trouble is, too many race baiters outnumber intelligent people.

    Or should I have used "their, waist, two, to..."


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