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Sunday, December 14, 2014

SPD Press Release - Robbery Investigation/Arrests


  1. hmmmm let me guess.

  2. Those same kids can be found round 1014 Evergreen Ave. where they congregate and sell drugs. They have also damaged numerous cars and ram sacked them. They live in the Princeton area and ride throughout the area causing problems.

  3. But they're just good kids and wouldn't hurt anyone!

  4. As long as good people do nothing it will get worse.

  5. Oh absolutely they are good kids who have never done any wrong to anybody. And they were carrying an airsoft replica gun which has no identifying markings to show it is not a real gun. But I sure hope none of these little darlings get shot behind some of this dumb sh*t. Seems like the kid that was shot last week x 7.

  6. People...carry mace NOW.

  7. White people have become weak and lazy...Take to the streets and run these hood rats out of civilized areas.

  8. If these children (shocking commentary on childhood) have any other records with the police they should be directed into the care of an agency that can keep an eye on them so they are not out running in herds.

    Whenever I see a "group" of males running the street I question the safety. I seriously doubt that there is help to turn these young minds around. Most typically they will become hardened criminals. They are already exhibiting serious neurological problems and anti social behavior.

    What is society to do with this element in our society? They don't think twice about attacking a man who could possibly die from this episode. He may not have died on the spot....but an earlier death will probably be caused in this instance. He has already been robbed of the feeling of safety in his own neighborhood.

    If we don't have facilities to place this children in....we better start building them now because this is how society is headed and it is open season on police if they try to do their job. So very sad... KEW

  9. 7:14 More effective is a good quality wasp and hornet spray. It will shoot 15-20 feet and put them on their knees crying for momma.

  10. Yeah the wasp spray may be effective but if you hit them in the eyes with it they will sue you for blinding them because they were, after all, poor little unarmed children just trying to have fun out in the neighborhood.

  11. That just goes to show if good law biding citizens were allowed to carry a gun, we would have 7 less criminals to worry about & not pay taxes to lock up!!!!!!!

  12. Charge their f-ing parents too! How hard is that, maybe they will get it through their thick skulls... stop breeding f-ups.

    On the west side, fate has dealt with the POS kids that tormented the area. Not so much on the east side of town.

  13. Getting mad does nothing getting out and patrolling your neighborhood will...arm yourselves with at least mace and a club. Bitching solves nothing you must fight back or it will get worse.


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