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Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Mayor 'A BULLY'

So in the end - who looks to be a racist now. All through the campaign Ireton accused Joe Albero to be a racist. He spread this rant publicly throughout the community. In the end - the Salisbury attorney defending Lorie Chambers described Ireton most eloquently - 'A BULLY'.


  1. Ireton needs anger management and termination.

  2. Why not let the legal process play out instead of putting out innuendo and accusations as if they are fact? Anyone can call anyone anything after all, that doesn't make it so.

  3. I'm confused. The lawyer accused Ireton of being a bully, not a racist. So in the end who looks to be the racist now? Neither Joe nor Ireton.
    Just because Joe may allow comments some feel are over the edge doesn't mean he is a racist. It means he is a nonconformist who won't concede to the PC crowd.
    Just because Ireton flies off the handle at people doesn't mean he's a racist either.

  4. I don't think Iretons a racist. More a control freak.
    I think he didn't want Chambers name in the mix of hirees because it would have muddied the waters and he already had his eye on a target, a target he felt was easily controlled and more willing to do what he wanted.

  5. As I'm watching the comments come in I'll say this. "Bully" was the perfect word to describe Jim Ireton.

    Come on now... IF any of you had ever watched PAC 14 when Debbie & Terry were on the Council it was extremely clear the rants Jim Ireton went on attacking women. Lore' was no different as a victim.

    Her attorneys would have been very smart to call upon at least these two women as expert witnessed.

    As for the racist remark, Ireton has been know to make racist remarks like, I'm not letting Tawanda and her 5 kids live in a luxury condo on the river.

    There are many politicians that I have known over the years who smile, shake your hand and act like they truly care, yet there is another side to that same person who just says things to get a vote.

    There's an upcoming election in Salisbury in November and I'm pretty darned confident Ireton will not succeed in that election. There is already one candidate that can and will beat him and I believe by that time paper ballots will be in place, so no more games.

  6. i've seen the mayor in action behind the scenes. he's a bully, but he didn't/couldn't bully ME.

    c'mon november!

  7. I've personally seen him throw tantrums in the GOB.

  8. What an A hole. He'd talk to me like that one time.

    Hey Ireton,,, You aint' S&&T

  9. Watch out every body... we've got a badass over here @9:19

    Worthless keyboard warrior.

  10. 9:24 Who are you to call someone worthless?

    What makes you so special and different from 9:19

  11. "As for the racist remark, Ireton has been know to make racist remarks like, I'm not letting Tawanda and her 5 kids live in a luxury condo on the river."

    I'm not ready to say this comment is racist. I took this comment as a swipe taken towards an underclass (low income) and not a race as a whole, which is what racism actually means.
    The definition of racism has been lost. Everything is racism anymore. Racism is when someone thinks their race is superior over another.
    If you say something about a criminal and they are black all of a sudden you are labeled a racist when it's not the person's race that makes you feel superior but that they are a criminal and yes law biding citizens are superior over criminals.

  12. Ireton is a closet dress wearer. These antics he uses, he thinks it validates him

  13. 9:48, WOW! Read what you wrote. "Racism is when someone thinks their race is superior over another". DUH! It would be fine if Brucie wanted to live there but not Tawanda and her 5 kids.

  14. Watch him being interviewed. He is hostile and defensive. Not at all professional. He is weak and uses intimidation as a tool since he has no others in his arsenal.

  15. I am around him all the time and I have seen and heard him make the racist comments. Especially when he is drinking at Mojo's.

  16. Jim Ireton is a narcissistic a** hole plain and simple. What is sad is the people voted this child into office. At first I thought this guy would be o.k. Joe I am sorry you did not get in. The people are paying for allowing this juvenile to control the city. Ireton also has weak integrity. I do not know what Barbra Duncan is doing but morale at her agency is at an all time low. They have some really great police there but the micro management has shut them down. They also are having trouble recruiting new officers. They have and are putting recruits in the academy that are over fifty years old. Sorry that is not a good investment. They are scraping the bottom of the pool when they can not find laterals and young recruits.

    Jimmy and Barb you are f**king up a good department. I blame both of you for the cities recent problems in the media. It starts at the top. Whatever your plan is fix it. You have become an embarrassment to the law enforcement community.

  17. Just so happens that I can't stand Ireton - he is definitely an intimidator and thinks he is God's gift to...Men!

  18. Don't be so fast to place blame on Chief Duncan. She has to take orders from the mayor. Eventually she will have enough of his BS and leave the same as everyone else that was worth anything. Like Tilghman, Ireton runs off anyone that is capable of doing their job without his interference.

  19. I vividly remember when the media held the Mayoral and City Council candidate debates and I heard Jim Ireton allude t SBYnews having a racist component. I remember Ireton's remarks - and so did thousands of other people.

    Now you tell me - after hearing all of the Lorie Chambers testimonies - who appears to be the racist officer in charge of Salisbury. Need I say anymore. And Mary Ashanti ought to be ashamed of herself for not stepping forward and calling out Ireton on this subject.

  20. After reading the link to the article, it sounds as though Ireton is a racist to me. Why else would he begrudge a job advancement to an individual who deserved it the most. She worked her way up the ladder, and IMHO she is entitled to the right to apply for the position. Where is the NAACP this time?

  21. I agree with most of these responses, Ireton sounds as though he is a racist to me too. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck then it must be a duck.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Just so happens that I can't stand Ireton - he is definitely an intimidator and thinks he is God's gift to...Men!

    December 9, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    He is... Ask Tom Stevenson.

  23. Anonymous said...
    Don't be so fast to place blame on Chief Duncan. She has to take orders from the mayor. Eventually she will have enough of his BS and leave the same as everyone else that was worth anything. Like Tilghman, Ireton runs off anyone that is capable of doing their job without his interference.

    December 9, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    No she doesn't have to take orders. If she is so great then she can get a job anywhere. But then maybe not.

  24. Ireton is the one of the most divisive people I have ever met. How in Sam hell he ever got in office baffles me. I guess this is what they refer to in 'gaydomville' as slap bit . . .ch mentality.


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