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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

SPD Press Release 12-9-14 (Shoplifting)


  1. Tis the season to be stealing, fa la la la la, la la la la.

  2. Does chief duncan really feel like she is accomplishing something by posting shoplifting arrests? Does she think this is the main crime concern for her city? What is she doing about all the armed robberies that have happened in the last week and the 82 year old man who was beaten and robbed in Salisbury? I guess she is sticking with what she knows, never was a street cop.

  3. Keep on posting them. Hopefully they will feel ashamed and humiliated and stop before something worse happens.

  4. Why not post them? Maybe a store owner can post these pictures and if these people walk in their store they can watch them more closely!

  5. College kiddies there too?

  6. I'm not against posting them but I'd rather see wanted posters of the suspects who beat the elderly man this week on Camden over these petty thieves who were caught by store employees, not by police.

  7. Posting does no good if there is no followup in the court system. Check these names later and see if the court system has them listed. I have done this and the name was never posted.

  8. Oh Boy I feel safe now Jim and Jake!! Crime is Down!!


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