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Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Elijah Cummings: I spent a year ramming ObamaCare down your throat, and Gruber is screwing it all up!

Outraged. Outraged I tell you!

As you know, the hearings involving Jonathan "you're a bunch of idiots" Gruber have begun. After an opening statement where Gruber did his best to make it sound as if he had little or nothing to do with the ObamaCare debacle, we were treated to a trademark Elijah Cummings diatribe. In his remarks, the ethically-challenged Maryland Democrat repeatedly blasted Gruber's "stupid" comments, but his reasons are the real story...

“As far as I can tell, we are here today to beat up on Jonathan Gruber for stupid - I mean absolutely stupid - comments he made over the past few years. ...And then grill and grill administrator Tavenner about what appears to be an inadvertent mistake in reporting ACA enrollment numbers. This may be good political theater, but it will not help a single American get health insurance. It will not help a single person get well. It will not help a single person get the care that they need."


  1. It will not help a single person..... WE ARE NOT HERE TO TALK ABOUT MAKING PEOPLE WELL!!!! We are here to find out why you people screwed up so badly. I hate E. Cummings, he needs to get a clue.

  2. Cummings is not ethically-challenged, he is mentally challenged. He is also a liar and a racist.

  3. he was also honored by the friends of Liberal Jim - Worcester County Democrats at the Atlantic Hotel - such a role model he is

  4. true Politian. what a jerk. definitely not a statesman.

  5. This man is a member of a political party of our enemies.
    He is a Socialist traitor. (Not to mention a racist idiot)

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Cummings is not ethically-challenged, he is mentally challenged. He is also a liar and a racist.

    December 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM

    He is a functional idiot like Rudy Cane.

  7. This may be good political theater, but it will not help a single American get health insurance. It will not help a single person get well. It will not help a single person get the care that they need."

    NO, but it WILL help Americans become more in debt, and need to rely on government... which is what they want.


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