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Monday, December 22, 2014

Sony now says it WILL release 'The Interview' despite hacker's threats

Sony says it will release the Seth Rogen-James Franco comedy 'The Interview' mere days after it announced the film would not in theaters for its scheduled Christmas release date.

Sony cancelled the film's release last week after the hackers threatened real-world attacks on cinemas screening it.

'Sony only delayed this,' said company attorney David Boies on today's NBC's Meet the Press.



  1. David Copperfield doesn't have a thing over Sony.In less than one week they've managed to get a commitment from every noteworthy politician and actor IN FAVOR of releasing this horrible excuse of a movie.Now they've all put their heads on the chopping block if the slightest problem arises.Now ponder this;in addition to all of that,TWICE or THREE TIMES as many people will now go to see it IF it's released in theaters.Those people at SONY are geniuses at promoting a movie but terrible at making a good one.

  2. Go back in youe hole liberal.

  3. Those who scripted this deception should script and produce Sony's next movie.Amazing

  4. Even Sony couldn't afford to buy all the publicity they have received. They are laughing all the way to the bank.

  5. BBBBUT, look at what happened at Benghazi because of a Hollywood film!

    OMG! What will we do?


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