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Monday, December 22, 2014

Pro-law enforcement rally held in Annapolis

In a month with many rallies and protests nationwide, another was held in Annapolis Saturday — this one to thank the police.

Participants walked bitterly cold downtown streets with signs reading "thank you" and "my daddy is my hero," and chanting "police lives matter." Cars honked their horns and passers-by shouted encouragement.

The rally, which drew more than 50 participants, was organized by Jessica Alvear of Arnold, who said her husband is a police officer in Maryland.

The group stopped at the intersection of Randall and Dock streets, holding signs and chanting "The police are here to protect you and keep you safe."



  1. I'll do just fine without them protecting me and keeping me safe.
    They can keep their contempt, their hate, their pompous indignance, their masochism, their omerta and their union.

  2. Police do not protect citizens or stop crime. They react and report, thats about it. Unless you can solve the crime for them good luck getting resolution to the issue. Police have strayed so far from their written responsibilities that they appear to be nothing more than heavily armed reporters with no respect for the constitution.

    However I personally dont see anything good coming from the slaughter of police. But it appears that most people don't think these things through these days. We are being set on a course that I dont like.

  3. Unless you have a cop in your family or are friends with one. Most people are better off keeping their distance from them. I would just as soon not have one behind me.

    1. Bunch of liberal Fools and hypocrites.

  4. Maybe Obama will fire all the police and security that protect him if they are so useless. An interesting scenario...

  5. Give me a break, stupidity comes in all flavors.

  6. Now that's how it's done. No looting no burning.


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