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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Moral Victory For Lore' Chambers, Ireton GUILTY

Mayor Jim Ireton was in fact found guilty of verbally assaulting Lore' Chambers but the Judge refused to award her any money.

One elected official sent me a text last night asking what I thought the outcome would be and I replied, the Judge will find a way to satisfy both parties, I was right. 

Ireton was found GUILTY of verbal assault but without malice. The Jury exposed their findings around 10 PM last night. 


  1. The victory is complete if other employees do not have to endure mistreatment. Its not always about money, it should always be about what's right.

  2. Someone needed to stand up to the bully and Dr. Lore Chambers did that. Hopefully this community will follow suit and speak truth to power. Be careful who you elect to have power over you.

  3. Ireton has been a mistake from day one, time to terminate this mistake.

  4. i think all of us white folk should burn this place down ! (and maybe do a little Christmas shopping while we're at it)

    1. Such a sad commentary on the state of people today.

  5. The verdict opens up the opportunity to file a cross-claim.

    She can now proceed into federal discriminatory - whereby a tortious claim can be asserted - (Eric Holder's jurisdiction). In which case the NAACP will most likely intervene to try and assert a discrimination claim.

    1. Didn't she file a claim with EEOC when Stevenson was selected over her?

  6. Could someone please explain how you can assault someone without malice?

    1. You can't. The very act itself is malicious, strange that the jury didn't understand that.

  7. I would disagree with you about the judge satisfying both parties. It would seem to me that he only upset both parties. Ireton was found guilty and the plaintiff received nothing for damages, not even legal fees. I find that judges do try to please both sides but that never works, it really pleases no one. I hope this woman follows up in federal court.

    1. It ain't over till its over. Justice has not been served. Keep watching.

  8. Until a bully is powerless ... no one wins. This is a judgement that basically asserts that the mayor is a bully and needs to be relieved of his power position.

  9. Mayor Ireton GUILTY. That's all I needed to hear. He is a disgrace to Salisbury.

  10. You were right about the judge finding a way to satisfy both parties.That seems to be the norm these days with judges;the path of least resistance.

  11. Ireton is a bully and the absence of consequences will make him even more brazen.

    1. Wow, a bully teaching children, what's wrong with that picture?

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Mayor Ireton GUILTY. That's all I needed to hear. He is a disgrace to Salisbury.

    ? really ? Salisbury is a disgrace to Salisbury ...

  13. Jim Ireton, Jake Day, Laura Mitchell are all embarrassments and bullies. So were others before them like Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn And Gary Comegeys. Salisbury needs to smarten up and elect people who actually represent the public.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Wow, a bully teaching children, what's wrong with that picture?

    December 10, 2014 at 10:22 PM

    That's a good question. Why don't you ax Dr. Freddy and the Bd of Ed.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    i think all of us white folk should burn this place down ! (and maybe do a little Christmas shopping while we're at it)

    December 10, 2014 at 8:11 AM

    Please start with burning your computer down.

  16. 2:40 why don't you run for office. That's an awfully long list of people you have a problem with.


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