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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Mayor Jim Ireton Responds To Salisbury Christmas Parade Protesters

On behalf of Chief Duncan and myself:

The peaceful gathering of a community was disrupted today. We support the right to free speech, yet disrupting the Christmas Parade in Salisbury today infringed on that peaceful gathering of our citizens. This community celebration of the holiday season was momentarily halted by several individuals, some of whom were from Baltimore. The Salisbury Police acted quickly and decisively to make it possible for that celebration to continue for all to enjoy.


  1. It's ironic - If Ireton were not the mayor, he would have been one of the protesters.

  2. Jim:

    Your leader, Hillary Clinton, says that we must respect our enemies. Don't you agree?

  3. Jim, Why didn't your Pansy A$$ order the police officers to arrest all of the protesters. They were in the street blocking the parade, they were assaulting police officers, they were inciting a riot(I watched the videos and I saw it). Barb was right in the front of the parade with you. You have her cell number.

    Bottom line is you are a PU$$Y! and you have some freak friends commenting on your FB page.

  4. And Mike Lewis where were you? You were at the front of the parade as well. You are an officer of the law and the highest ranking officer in this county. Jimbo's boys were being to nice. Why didn't you step in? It's your job! Salisbury streets are in Wicomico County!! Do your job!!

  5. This is all that Puss could say while he was sitting in a car waiting for the parade to begin. It took him over 7 hours to make another comment with Barbara Duncan?? Now that is in bad taste. He should immediately have had his BFF Chris Demone the new PIO send out a better Press Release.

    Jim Ireton
    9 hrs · Twitter ·
    While I appreciate the citizen's right to assemble and protest, the middle of the Christmas Parade is in poor taste.

  6. I don't care what city or state one is in, lying down in the street is a threat to all involved and those doing so need to be arrested!

  7. One of Jimbeau's fruitcake friends harassing people on his FB post.

    磨坊杰 西 - That's just a lazy excuse from teaching your own kids. Would you say something like that if you knew your kids might see two men kissing?
    8 hrs · Like

  8. Jake Day must be lovin this -- Ireton has just scuttled support for his reelection by Mary Ashanti and Shameless Shields!

  9. One of Jim Ireton's FB Friends is a racist, trouble making thug from Silver Spring, but now lives in Washington DC. Has no ties to Salisbury, but maybe an SU student at one point admits he wrote a the best article for Jimmy during the mayoral race only because HE knew Jim was one of the good guys. Give me a freakin break!!

    Randon Ryland - No disrespect Mr. Ireton, I support you. I wrote the best article I could for you during the mayoral race, because I knew you were one of the good ones. Even though this demonstration obviously disturbed you a little, I hope you can at least say you sympathize a little with the protestors (even the ones from Baltimore): because they're not all bad people, a lot of them are just really hurt.

  10. Oh here's Jimbeau's friend again making an ignorant comment, but this time he is caught in a lie. Claims he is not a bad or illegal person, but the Judiciary Case search has him arrested in Maryland twice. Once for theft on SU Campus and another for CDS.

    Defendant Name: RYLAND, RANDON
    Charge No: 001Description:THEFT: $500 PLUS VALUE
    Statute: CR.7.104Description:THEFT: $500 PLUS VALUE
    Placed on Stet

    Defendant Name: RYLAND, RANDON R
    Charge No: 001Description:CDS:POSS PARAPHERNALIA
    Statute:CR.5.619.(c) 1)Description:CDS:POSS PARAPHERNALIA
    Disposition - NOLLE PROSEQUI

    Randon Ryland I am a Salisbury alum and don't appreciate this response that basically demonizes protestors and trivializes a real issue negatively impacting their own community's life. You say you support free speech but then Ms.Anne gets to threaten me online? Sorry to inconvenience you but try living in fear of racial profiling from those trusted to serve and protect you.

    This is my question: if the protestors did not disturb those empowered to affect the change the people need and followed suit by protesting at the "proper time", what guarantee would we have of being truly heard and, hopefully, understood at that allotted time? #AJusticeDelayedIsAJusticeDenied

    I'm not a bad/illegal person for supporting the protest! Even #SU stands with me!

    But please don't demonized protestors. A part of nonviolent protest is being annoying, lots of people in the community do not have peace others claim is simultaneously being disturbed. What's rude is what's happening right under our noses.

    Thank you for those who will not threaten me but took the few seconds (even if you disagreed) to read my words.

  11. Oh did Jim Ireton and Jake Day start telling everyone "Crime is down in Salisbury? Don't worry we got it, crime is down."

  12. Did we lock up the Homeys?

  13. "I'm not a bad/illegal person for supporting the protest! Even #SU stands with me! "

    That's a pretty broad statement. Dude really thinks a lot of himself.

  14. Can Duncan speak, she is the Chief of Police.

  15. 8:05, NO, she cannot. Ireton micro manages her like a puppet on a string and quite frankly she's perfect for the job.

    I have heard by numerous people in law enforcement, morale has never been so low.

    There are some 14 positions open right now at the SPD but the entire department is falling apart because the leader is not allowed to lead, unless Ireton says so.

    All that being said, the Chief should have EXPECTED this protest and should have been PRO ACTIVE, cutting it off at the knees.

    She should have had communications with the NAACP and ORGANIZED a peaceful protest elsewhere.

    Ireton, well, screw him, he is so clueless he will always be REACTIVE.

    A new day is coming for Salisbury and you WILL have a new Mayor next November. Ireton knows it, I know it and that piece of crap needs to go away.

  16. So much for a respected law enforcement leader. I would rather work somewhere else than be a puppet.

  17. Would you expect anything less from ghetto"bury" Get a clue this is what the town has become.

  18. Gotta just love this comment-

    Meg H. Gibson- I stand with you, Randon Ryland. #BlackLivesMatter Protests are supposed to cause discomfort, they are meant to draw us out of everyday thinking and make us consider another point of view. If we fail to try to understand the desperation that drives people to protest, then we are choosing our ignorance."

    "Protests are supposed to cause discomfort"-Really?

    In what world is that Gibson! Protests are supposed to bring awareness-Einstein!
    Bringing discomfort to people only serves in making people not like or trust you.

  19. Of those arrested yesterday one included James Kelly Fleming from Baltimore. He has a record that includes various charges for sex offenses, assault, burglary.

  20. What does Baltimore have to do with it??? Why does that even have to be said? In all honesty, Salisbury is no better than those from Baltimore, or anywhere for that matter! Anybody can have a series of charges, just start looking a little closer at those around you. The Christmas Parade gave the protesters a chance for EVERYBODY to see what they were standing up for, and I give them props for that.

  21. 12:00, I don't necessarily disagree. However, it should be ORGANIZED, not DISRUPTIVE.

    If they had been at the end of the parade, peaceful and even inviting, that would be one thing. This was not the case.

  22. "What does Baltimore have to do with it???"

    Well, it begs the question why someone from across the bay felt he needed to disrupt a parade in Salisbury. What does he feel he is accomplishing coming down here to 'protest'?

    "The Christmas Parade gave the protesters a chance for EVERYBODY to see what they were standing up for, and I give them props for that."

    Well that's just special. Should we also invite the KKK and the Westboro Baptist Church to come show everybody what they're all about? Would you give them 'props' too? Is that really what you think a Christmas parade should be about?


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